Chapter 13

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Alison's POV

Connor and I walked out to the back. There was a little people out here but not a lot.

We sat on the bench, "Do you want to stay?" Connor asked.

I grabbed his hands and started playing with his fingers, "I don't care,"

"You ok? Is there something bugging you?"


"You sure?"

"I'm sure."

Connor squinted his eyes, "You triple sure?"

I laughed, "I'm fine Connor."


"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back," I said then getting up. He nodded and I walked to the bathroom.

Dammit, my ribs are killing me. I lifted up my shirt to see my bandage covered in blood. I'm surprised it hasn't gotten on my shirt.

I grabbed paper towels and placed it over the badge. I wiped it and walked back out, stiffly because my ribs hurt badly.

"Oh, there she is again!" someone yelled. Yay, ugh.

I tried walking away. They kept saying things behind my back, literally.

Just walk away I thought.

They pinned me against the wall. And hit my rib cadge.


"Aww pour baby!" the started pounding and pounding, hitting and hitting.


I woke up. I don't think I'm at the party anymore.

I looked to my right to see Connors face in his hands. He looked, sad.

I tried getting up but I couldn't. My bones and skin hurt!

"C-Connor, where am I?"

He looked up with relief, "U-uh you're upstairs in Thomas's house." He said quietly.

"Oh, what happened?"

"I don't know, I just found you lying on the ground covered in blood." He said then a tear came down his eye.

"Connor it's ok," I said trying to make him happy.

"No it's not! You're always getting hurt and-and I don't know what to do! I'm never there!" he said as more tears came down.

I got up the best I could, "Connor it's ok, I'm fine!"

"I know, but what if you're lying to me?"

"Connor, I'd never lie to you!"

He smiled. I got up from the bed and we walked out. He grabbed my hand.

"Can we leave?" he asked.

I nodded in response. Within five minutes we were out. Riley, Toby, Kennedy, and Tatum left too, they hated the party.

"Let's get some Starbucks!" Tatum said, stopping the silence.

"Yes!" Connor yelled, "Sorry,"

We all laughed.

We pulled into a Starbucks and ordered. All of us sat down in a booth an talked about really weird things.

"Hey, um guys?" Toby spoke up.

We all got silent.

"We, as in Riley, Connor and I, we have something we need to tell you," he said getting serious. Something want right.

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