Chapter 99

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"Trevor." I sighed and I walked into the guest bedroom. He slept in there last night and I left him. I didn't even want to hear from him at all. He was on his phone laying there and he looked up at me.

"Why do I have a fucking black eye?" He asked.

"Why did you come into this house completely shitfaced?" I asked.

"Because I drank, Bailey. There. I drank. I got a bottle of vodka at the liquor store and I drank half of it and went from there. I got fucked up. I did what I always do because I'm never going to fucking change." He mumbled.

"I don't know why you're mad at me. You're an alcoholic and drug addict and I've been with you through it all. You are so lucky that sawyer is your boss because if it was anyone else you wouldn't have your job. You have a black eye because you kept trying to have sex with me and you wouldn't let go of me. Sawyer stopped you. You also threw up multiple times and came in here and slept. How's your head feel though? Are you feeling okay? Did you get enough sleep? Because I didn't. I feel like shit. I threw up this morning from morning sickness because if you didn't remember I'm pregnant with your child. Also, to just maybe remind you, we adopted a child together and I made her breakfast this morning. She's been asking where you've been for the past 2 days even when you've been home. And our dog? Cooper? He ran out of dog food and I've been feeding him steak. Your steak that you bought because I do not give a shit if you go hungry anymore. I don't. I have been like a single mom here now because you can't control yourself and act like a teenager when you're around alcohol. You can't control yourself from just not buying a bottle! The amount of money you spend on alcohol could be used on doing something with Mackenzie and keeping her happy!" I screamed at him all at once and he just looked at me. He didn't say anything. He literally just stared at me.

"Sorry." He said.

"Sorry?! Are you fucking kidding me?!" I yelled.

"I tried to get help bailey!" He yelled at me and sat up and gripped a pillow tightly. It was obvious he was angry.

"You tried to get help? Is trying leaving rehab an going straight to a fucking liquor store? You haven't tried shit. It's either me or the alcohol because I genuinely can't do it anytmore and I mean that with everything in me. My energy is gone, Trevor. I can't keep nuturing you and telling you it's okay when it's not. I tried to stay with you because Kenz and the baby on the way, but I literally just can't do it with you. I can't. This is the last thing I'm going to say and I need you to listen. You either love me and want me and are choosing my love and me. Or you're choosing vodka and beer. You tell me what you want right now or I'm kicking you out of my house." I said.

"I want you." He said.

"Then fucking prove it." I said.

"I can't quit drinking." He said.

"You either quit me or you quit drinking." I said.

"Then I quit you." He said and I stood in the doorway of the guest bedroom for a second and I immediately felt tears starting to swell in my eyes.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I know I won't be able to quit alcohol, and I can't keep hurting you like this. I can't. It hurts me hurting you and I know I can't quit drinking so, I quit you." He said and I rolled my eyes at him and turned around to walk out the room and he got up.

"Bailey. I love you but I know I can't stop and I will continue to hurt you. I'm choosing alcohol because if I don't I'll end up letting you down again and we'll keep having this argument." He said and I shook my head at him.

"Just get out." I said and his eyes softened.


"Get out." I repeated.

"I will. Just let me explain to you-"

"I get it. I really do get it. You can't control yourself so you're saving me the energy. I just want you to get out. If you truly wanted to be with me and if you loved me you would do anything you could to make yourself stop, but you aren't. You haven't." I said.

"Can you just give me time to think?" He asked.

"Get your shit and get out." I warned.

"Just give me time." He said.

"No. I gave you too much time." I said.

"Bailey I just need to talk to my dad." He said.

"Your dad isn't going to make you sober you fucking idiot. You almost died and I was sitting next to you for a week straight without leaving you. When you woke up you promised me things would be different. You promised me that you would get yourself together. You were perfectly fine. Why did you do this?" I asked.

"I tell you over and over that I can't control myself and you don't get it. You will never get it. I can't help that I drink. I can't stop myself from drinking. I'm sorry that I am the way I am." He said and I shook my head.

"You can help it Trevor. I get it. I get that you're addicted to it, but you have barely tried. Going to rehab was a great first step and I'm sure if you wouldn't have gone straight to a fucking liquor store after you got out you would have been able to give yourself time." I said.

"Bailey I was drinkingthe entire time I've been with you and you didn't know for the past two months or so. I only go overboard like this every once in a while, otherwise I'm not bad and we're fine. Please just think about us. Please. I want to marry you and I want to raise our babies together. I don't want to break up and then have to share our kids on the weekends. You know I love you and I know you love me-"

"Don't guilt me into this Trevor." I sighed with my eyes softened and he went to grab my hand and I pulled away from him.

"I asked you to choose between me or alcohol and you chose alcohol. I'm not doing it. I can't do it. I can't put up with it anymore. I'm done." I said.

"You know we won't be done." He said.

"Why are you so fucking stupid? Like why can't you just be a normal boyfriend and just love me and respect me and not do stupid things that make us get to this point?" I asked.

"Because I'm me." He said and I rolled my eyes and walked away from him.

"Stop." He sighed.

"Fuck you." I mumbled and I walked into the living room where Kenz was and he followed me.

"Trevor. Leave me alone." I warned and he grabbed my hand and I didn't want Kenz to get upset if I pulled away from him so I didn't.

"Let me talk to you in the kitchen. Please." He said quietly.

"I'm not talking to you. I said what I had to say and now I want you to get out." I said bad and he clenched his jaw.

"Kenz, do you wanna come hang out with me at my house tonight? Mommy wants to be alone." He said before going to her and I bit my lip to stop myself from freaking out on him. He picked her up and she nodded.

"You are pathetic." I said.

"I'm gonna hang out with Kenz and cooper tonight. Let me know when you want me back." He said.

"You're not taking cooper or her." I said.

"Yes I am." He said and grabbed his keys.

"Trevor, no you're not." I said.

"Yes I am." He repeated and he called cooper downstairs.

"Trevor." I warned.

"I'll be back whenever." He mumbled before opening the front door and he let cooper run to the car and he slammed the door behind him. He left me alone in the house and he didn't even care. He took Kenz and cooper and left me completely alone.

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