Chapter 121

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I was laying on the couch at home literally sobbing. I missed Trev. I missed him being home and helping out so much. I tucked Dak and Kenz in and I was just exhausted. I felt like a single mother and I hated it. I hated doing everything on my own, so when I was with Trev and the kids him just feeding Dak a banana meant so much to me. I needed help with them and I was getting so tired doing it on my own.

On top of that I didn't really have company. Kenz and Dak were amazing and they did silly things throughout the day that completesd my day as a whole, but I didn't have anyone to talk to seriously. I was just mentally exhausted.

I felt like such an idiot as I cried too and then I heard a knock on the front door. Cooper got up from laying beside me and started to growl and I stopped him.

"No, Cooper. I just put Dak and Kenz to sleep. No." I warned and sniffled. I sat for a second and wiped my tears and got myself together before going to the door. I wiped my tears one more time before opening it and Trev was standing there.

"Are you crying?" He asked and I felt like I was going to pass out. I was so confused.

"Why are you here?" I asked stuffily and he smiled.

"I'm out. Come here." He said before pulling me into him and he kissed my forehead.

"How did you get out? What? You still have a month and a half-"

"I lied. They told me I was getting out early because of how good I was doing. I wanted to surprise you. I had sawyer pick me up and help me get everything together. I'm home, baby." He said and I started to cry into his chest. He held me tightly and walked in while holding me and he picked me up. He carried me to the couch and tucked strands of hair behind my ear. I couldn't even believe how much I was crying but at the same time I always cried.

"Why were you crying before I got here?" He asked.

"I missed you." I cried and he wiped under my eyes.

"I'm here now. I'm not going back either. I'll be with you until the day I die. You're stuck with me now." He said softly and I nodded.

"You promise." I said and he wrapped his pinky finger around mine.

"I promise." He said before kissing my hand and he kissed my lips.

"Is sawyer still here? Where are your things?" I asked.

"He's still here. He's in the car with everything. I just wanted to surprise you first without worrying about all that. He would have ruined the moment. I just told him to wait." He chuckled weakly and I smiled.

"You had me so upset. You should have just told me you were coming early. I seriously was crying so hard after putting the kids to sleep." I said and he smiled weakly and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Well I'm here. I have 3 months of parenting to make up for so I don't want you doing anything but loving me and our babies." He said and I smiled widely.

"We can both parent and love them. I was just getting overwhelmed doing it by myself. That's why I was crying. I was genuinely exhausted today and when you told me that I felt like I was going to be sick." I said.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to surprise you. I hope you feel better." He said.

"I feel a lot better." I said and he kissed me and sat up.

"Wanna go get sawyer? I don't want him out there waiting all night." He chuckled and I laughed and nodded. He picked me up and carried me and I laughed as he kissed my neck while walking to the door and he put me down before opening it.

"Did sawyer come here at all to check up on you?" He asked and I nodded.

"A few times. He just helped me change Daks diaper while Kent was crying over cooper eating her food. It's been a mess." I said and he chuckled and put his hand on my shoulder and rubbed it.

"Well, we're back baby." He said and sawyer got out his car and hugged me.

"Were you surprised?" He asked.

"More than surprised. I was having a mental breakdown when he knocked." I said and sawyer grabbed one of Trevs suitcases and Trev grabbed two more. He pushed them toward the house and he hugged sawyer and I did again too.

"Thanks for bringing my man home." I smiled.

"No problem. Thanks for bringing my man happiness." He smirked and I laughed and so did Trev.

"Thanks for helping me surprise her though, seriously." Trev said and sawyer nodded.

"No problem. Now have sex and catch up for the last three months. I'll see you in a few days I'll probably stop by." Sawyer said and Trev chuckled and nodded.

"See ya." Trev said and I waved bye as I helped Trev bring his bags in.

"My husband is home!" I said excitedly and jumped up into Trevs arms. He smiled widely and cupped my cheeks before leading us upstairs.

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