━ iii

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One would think listening could not be counted amongst Arthur Morgan's fortes. But it is. That strange aspect is both a surprise and a blessing.

"...I guess I always preferred nature." You explain, tilting your head to one side to stretch your sore neck. You look out the window, at the huge city that Blackwater is, and at the rather poor neighborhood you're in at the moment. The early evening darkness that has already settled in is not doing it any favors. "Even though I'm pretty much stuck in an apartment right in the middle of a city right now, so talk about irony."

Arthur huffs in what you guess is both sympathy and amusement.

"Used to have a little apartment of my own in Blackwater as well, though it was up north and a bit further from the city centre." He confesses, tracing his thumb over the steering wheel as he talks. "But I guess it just...I dunno. Got too hectic. T'was a pretty bad time in my life, I was havin' health issues too, John had just left, I'd just found out 'bout Abigail...everythin' just started pilin' up. After a while, I decided I had had enough. Gathered up all the money I still had, bought a piece of land jus' outside Blackwater, and moved in."

You want to ask about what kind of health issues he'd been struggling with, but you refrain. Asking about kids had provided you with a one way ticket to awkwardness town, and you suppose that would be the case with this subject as well.

"I think I would've done that too, if it weren't for every house in the periphery of Blackwater looking like a shabby latrine I wouldn't even send my worst enemy into." You only realize the sentence's potential offensiveness after saying it out loud, and immediately want to sink into the leathered seat. Goddamnit. "I-I mean—! Not all houses, at least, but just the ones I've seen so far are—"

A relieved exhale escapes your mouth when Arthur huffs in amusement. "Don't worry, I ain't takin' no offense. 'S actually true. Mine was in a pretty bad state, and John's, well...John's looked like a proper shithouse."

The both of you chuckle at that.

"Seeing how lovely it looks now, that's kind of hard to believe." You argue, and Arthur smiles faintly with one corner of his mouth.

"Seein' as I helped rebuild it, I'll take that as compliment."

That's both a surprise and something you're disappointed in yourself for not figuring out sooner. Of course he helped build it, he's John's best friend and brother of sorts.

"Really?" You ask nonetheless, and he nods, albeit awkwardly.

"I was still recoverin' from them health issues, so I didn't do all the work, but yes." Arthur looks at the city roads as if he can visualize some distant, but very much pleasant memory right before his eyes. "Me, John, Hosea, and a friend of ours, Charles built it. Uncle kind of helped too, I guess."

It's hard to imagine Uncle working, considering that all you've witnessed him do is sit around, leech off of the Marstons, complain about Lumbago, and say the occasional decent joke, but you'll take Arthur's word for it. You kind of have to.

He's mentioned Hosea before, too, though he hasn't explained his affiliation with him. Seeing how fondly he talks of the man, however, leads you to believe he's some sort of father figure to Arthur.

"Guess now I'll know who to call if the need for a countryside house arises." You joke, and glance to your side, out the window. You're slowly but surely getting closer to the neighborhood you live in. "Though seeing how things are at the moment, the only thing I can afford right now is a week off of work."

Arthur nods his head and sighs. "Guess we're in the same boat. I need to get outta this damn place for a while too, got somethin' planned for next week."

"Props to you for that." You shrug. "I'll probably end up spending a week locked up in my apartment while doing nothing and feeling sorry for for myself."

It's obvious that the wheels in his head are turning too quickly for you to process what exactly is on his mind, but you're almost sure it has something to do with you, considering the way he takes his eyes off the road and peeks at you for a split second. You can't help but wonder what exactly it is that he's thinking about.

A glance outside the window gives you courage. You're only a good three minutes away from your apartment — meaning that even if you do end up making the situation awkward by asking, you won't have to endure it for long. There's nothing to lose.

"Penny for your thoughts, Arthur?" You speak up, and he blinks in surprise at your boldness.

But he complies after a short, but deep breath.

"Was thinkin'. I'm— ...well, my vacation plan is to drive 'n camp around New Austin for the upcoming week. Guess it's a roadtrip of sorts. Gets kinda lonely sometimes, seein' as it's just me and the wilderness, so, I was..." He pauses for at least five seconds, sighs, then stops at a red light. "Never mind. Jus' show me where I need to make a left to get you home."

Had he...considered inviting you on a road trip? With him?

It's more tempting than you'd like to admit. Not only because your only company would be Arthur, but because you'd been dying to get away from the city tumult. To finally relax. And maybe...maybe this is your chance.

"Was that an invitation for me to go on a road trip with you?" You ask. Arthur's breathing stutters, and he shrugs, trying his best to seem nonchalant. It's more than adorable to witness the man you'd considered dark and brooding not more than three hours ago act...well, like this.

"Depends. D'you want it to be?"

His voice is steady, unlike his demeanor, who is a bit more treacherous of his thoughts.

You nod your head and smirk. "Yes, please."

The small smile that blossoms on his face is priceless, and the perfect response.

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