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It's not long until you hear the rustling of a campfire erupt nearby. If Arthur Morgan is the master of one thing, it has got to be making even the most hostile of places feel cozy. He trots up to the shore of the lake, slowing when he approaches you. You notice the way he reluctantly lifts his hand to set it on your upper back when he reaches your side, but ultimately pulls back.

"Catch anythin' yet?"

You readjust your grip on the fishing rod, feeling almost guilty for the answer you're giving. "No. Sorry."

"'S fine, I ain't much of a fisher neither." He pauses, hesitates, looks at you, then at your surroundings. The sky is just as prettily colored as the day you two have met, and reminds you of the way coals look just before they burn out: barely flickering. There's not much sunlight left to speak of, but you don't mind. The water is tranquil and reflects the slowly appearing stars like a shattered mirror. "I can take over the fishing for a bit, if your arms are gettin' tired or somethin'."

You cock a brow and hide a smile. "No, you set the camp up. It's only fair I do my share."

"Alright." He holds back an amused snort, which foretells nothing good. "I mean, I've skipped dinner before, won't be too much trouble to do it now as well."

Goddamn this man.

You lightly slap his shoulder and giggle. Arthur is quick to break the serious facade and join in on the cackling before silence overtakes the two of you once more.

"Good to know you're feeling better after that whole phone call business." You reel in the bait a bit, hoping to attract more fish by doing so. No luck so far. "Seemed to me like you were pretty shaken up, and I— I mean, I don't wanna pry, but did something happen?"

Arthur crosses his arms and looks out at the lake. There's guilt settling in your chest when you realize that opening up does not exactly come naturally to him, and that you've asked him to do it regardless. An apology awaits at the tip of your tongue, but dies out like the last ray of sunlight when Arthur speaks.

"It was an...ex. She always insisted she was too good for the likes of me, which I reckon is true, but now she wants my help."

You huff. You didn't like the sound of the situation from the moment Arthur mentioned it had to do with past lovers, and as much as you want to avoid assuming things without context, you dislike the woman already, whomever she may be.

"If there's one thing I know about relationships, is that exes always mean trouble." You reel in the bait a bit further. Where did all the fish go to? You tug on the fishing rod in frustration, but get back to what you were saying, trying to word it as carefully as possible. "Doesn't sound...well, I'm in no position to judge, but sounds to me like she's no good for you."

"Or too good." Arthur argues, kicking a pebble into the lake. He rolls back his shoulders and sighs.

"Seeing how you reacted when you got that phone call, she can't possibly be that great." You quip, but for the first time, receive no snort or huff as an answer.

"Well, she ain't contacted me in over five years, is all." Arthur shrugs. "Apparently her brother's joined some...kinda religious cult and she wants me to talk him out of it. Me, of all people."

Now it makes sense, it's that kind of ex. The manipulative, sweet-talking little charlatan that will use what is left of your affection for them to make you their work horse. You know that type far too well.

"Sounds to me like she wants to use you." You say, a bit more harshly than intended. Arthur looks at you in surprise, as if he hadn't quite expected that choice of words either, but it doesn't look like he minds. Not enough to visibly show it, at least. "You don't have to keep coming back to someone that doesn't treat you the way you deserve to be treated. There's plenty other people out there."

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