━ xviii

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Arthur's not expressive in the old-fashioned, by-the-book way. In fact, you're convinced that all of his emotions have to go through a strict filter before the slightest trace of them is visible.

But there's ways to read him. He may not smile openly and widely unless there is a good reason to do so, but if you take the time to look closely enough, the left corner of his mouth quirks upwards just a little. A little finesse is needed to pick up on such details, but you find that noticing them comes more and more naturally as you spend time with him.

All you need as confirmation for the fact that he does find the songs you picked agreeable is the subtle nod of his head to match the rhythm of the melody.

Your trip to town had ended after he asked you to go to the motel first and start packing up, insisting he'd join you soon enough. After that was done and over with, Arthur helped you carry it all back to his car and suggested he take you to a place he discovered a few months back.

You'd tried asking what exactly he'd done while you had returned to the motel, but Arthur didn't budge giving away more than a half-smile.

So here you are now. Riding shotgun, the side of your head leaned against the window as you watch the world go by. The boiling sun outside makes you glad that Arthur's car has working air conditioning, in spite of its age.

"I figured you needed some pep in your assortment." You remark when his fingers start drumming against the steering wheel to the beat of 'Another one bites the dust'.

"Don't know how I ain't ever noticed it b'fore." He returns the smile. "But then again, it feels like I ain't noticed a lotta things until..." His voice trails off, but his gaze lingers on you.

You know what he means, clarification is redundant.

But reciprocation might not be.

"Me too."

He smiles at that. Widely.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Rio Bravo, as you discover the place is called, doesn't seem to offer up much. A steep cliff that leaves you nauseous if you dare look at the waves crashing against it way down below for too long. It's a quiet little place, a highway is nowhere to be seen.  The road leading towards it is bumpy and difficult, which you've discovered the hard way.

Still. You can tell why Arthur likes this spot.

"May not look like too much, but it will." He says when he pries open the rusty car door for you. "Soon enough."

When you get out, Arthur kneels on the seat to turn off the car radio, but you stop him before he can. When he raises an eyebrow questioningly, you turn up the music, leaving the door open and gesturing for him to follow you.

"Everything's just a little better with some tunes, don't you think?" He says nothing, but by the way he huffs in slight amusement, you can tell he agrees. You trot over towards the edge of the ridge. "You wanna set up the tent?"

"Nah, it ain't supposed to rain tonight."

"Ah, we've graduated to sleeping on the grass?"

He smirks at that. "You'll see."

You give him an agog glance at that, but can't learn anything new from his expression. A surprise it shall be, then. You turn towards the vast sea. Arthur moseys up to your side, stops in his tracks right next to you. His arm grazes your shoulder, an insinuation of a touch, which you understand the meaning of almost immediately. Complying comes even more naturally.

You lean against him more bodily, resting your head on his shoulder. Arthur holds you closer, albeit only after a reluctant placement of his hand on your waist.

His breaths are slow and rhythmic, his heart, not so much. If someone would've told you you could put Arthur Morgan in such a state a week ago, you would've laughed. Now you're laughing at yourself, but only internally. You'd hate to ruin the moment with the sudden realization that your past version couldn't have been any more wrong about Arthur. And that you even thought about not turning up to John's party. Foolish little thing you were, only a mere few days ago.

Foolish little thing you still are, you think, But that only becomes clear after Arthur holds you just a little bit closer.

"It's nice." You speak up, and he hums.

"The place or this?" He gives your waist a reverent stroke of his thumb.

You smile up at him. "Both."

Arthur's fingertips graze your cheek. You close your eyes, listen to the crashing waves and the seemingly distant song playing from the car radio. Judging by the slow, lighthearted chords, it's something romantic.

Which reminds you.

Your eyes flutter open, and you find Arthur staring at you lovingly, in a way that's familiar. He stopped being careful and reserved with his glances — you take it as a good sign. Your hand grazes the one he's set on your cheek, fingers intertwine.

"May I have this dance?" You ask.

Pleasant surprise looks quite lovely on him.

"Thought I was supposed to ask." He wisecracks. His cackle is something you can see yourself wanting to listen to every morning.

"The song would've ended before you did."

Poking fun at him is...as fun as the term itself implies. Arthur gives and impish smile and finds himself pressing closer to your frame. Your arms loop around his neck, his hands find your hips. "Maybe."

It feels like your cheek was made to fit the groove between his shoulder and neck. Arthur starts a languid pace to match the song, a simple back and forth that occupies only the back of your mind. It's simple to follow and stable, but fluent. You'll gladly take it over any other intricacy.

When Arthur lets go of you to spin you around, you giggle like a schoolgirl, then find that you rush the slow spin to return to his arms.

"Quite the dancer, ain't you?" Arthur whispers. He's caught in the dilemma of wanting to quip, but not wanting to interrupt the song. His compromise is perfect, you think — his low, shushed voice leaves you tingling all over.

"Not too bad yourself." You respond. Your face returns to his neck, and he's rewarded with a demure kiss to the spot where his ear meets his jaw.

In your good opinion, the sound he makes surpasses any kind of music.

[Here it is! Been a little stressed lately as it's the end of the school year and I royally fucked up my average grade thanks to my finals, but here you all are! Thank you for your patience♥️]

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