Chapter fourteen

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Pebbles and dirt crunched at their feet as Amante and Herogi as they walked the streets of the Nojoch tribe. Apparently the word of the Prince being thrown through the wall had spread throughout the village like wild fire. Now they were feared by most, who kept their children inside, and left the streets. Though, most of the houses were up on pillars. Herogi had a guilty feeling that haunted her as they walked away from the crime.

"What's wrong?" Amante asked as he noticed she hadn't spoken for a while.

"Nothings wrong."

"Well obviously somethings bothering you." He said stopping her from walking and set his hand on her shoulder. They stood in silence on the empty streets of the village. Finally she spoke.

"I'm... I'm guilty. We shouldn't have thrown him into the wall." She looked at her feet.

"Actually i through him through the wall. And i was awesome." He smiled which made her giggle. "We should find Misty and Juntul now."
She nodded and they kept walking. Ahead, a hoard of soldiers approached. Amante grabbed Herogi's wrist and pulled her into an alley quickly to hind. They held their breaths as the group of warriors passed by with out seeing them.

"This way." Amante whispered and lead her down the alley to the other side where another street sat. He carefully peered his head around the corner to check for other warrior scouts. Seeing that it was clear, he stepped out of the alley, followed by Herogi. "Come on, I hear more of them." He whispered.

They ran to the side of a hut and climbed to the roof to get a better view. They spotted a group of 6 soldiers armed with swords and shields scouting the street. Herogi and Amante lay low on the thatched roof of the hut as to not be seen. They crawled to the edge and peered their heads over it till they saw the soldiers where gone. Herogi lifted her head and sighed in relief.

Suddenly they both felt something wrap around their ankles. They twisted around to see it was the Yéeyik they had only briefly seen before. His skin was black, and his arms were the wings of a hawk. His noise was pointed, his head was shaved, and a white bead hung on his neck.

His talon feet clutched their legs tight. His arm wings were crossed and her wore a stern look on his face. "Saw what you did to the prince." He said in a deep threatening voice. His eyes were cold with what looked like anger.

"He deserved it!" Amante fought back trying to wriggle out of His grasp. The talons squeezed them tighter.

"I agree." The Yéeyik replied, earning a surprised look from Herogi and Amante who both stopped squirming. "I heard the whole thing. Lately, that prince has gotten crueler and crueler, ever since the Chatons came."

"Wait, the Chaton's were here!?" Herogi said in a shocked voice and expression.

"Yes. They were looking for their Yéeyik. They tell us you were kidnapped by a mysterious tribe and now they want vengeance."

"Oh no! The war is going to start! If it hasn't already." Amante bit his lip looking frustrated. The Yéeyik release the teens who stood up.

"I'm Chang, by the way." The Yéeyik introduced himself.

"Are you on our side Chang? If this war is about to start, then we need your help." Herogi said offering a handshake.

"Yes. But my tribe must not know. They will seriously disagree with you." He said and shook Herogi's hand with his feathered wing. "We must move now. Your friends await us at the entry to the village." He beckoned them to follow. Amante shrugged his shoulders at Herogi and both chased after Chang who flew above the hut roofs.

Leaping from thatched roof, to thatched roof, the group gained speed as the entrance approached them. Suddenly, Herogi's foot slipped and she tumbled off the roof. Chang, who was ahead of them, didn't notice. But Amante came to a halt.

"Herogi!"He jumped down after her. She lay on her back clutching her ankle and rolling around in agony. He sat next to her and stopped her from rolling. Herogi bit her lip as the pain from her ankle travelled up her leg and slowly swelled her foot. She couldn't make sense of anything around her as her vison blurred. All she saw was a tan figure with long black hair kneel next to her.

Tears swelled in her eyes. Amante was saying something to her but it seemed fuzzy and far away. All she could do was look at his blurred face and cry. She couldn't feel anything but the pain. But gradually Amante's voice came clearer, and his figure came into focus above. her. She smiled up at him in pain, happy and comforted by him.

"Herogi!" Amante kept repeating. He noticed her focus on him and repeated himself.

"Herogi! We have to leave now! Their coming!" He said. She still didn't seem to comprehend it. Looking up, he saw 7 soldiers growing closer and closer. They ran at them. He heard more coming from the sides. "Common Herogi!" He said frantically.

She slowly lifted a hand up and placed it on his shoulder. Herogi bit her lip harder to distract herself from the pain. She heard thunderous footfalls coming towards them. She tried to speak but it was as if something in her throat blocked any noise from coming out.

"Why must things like this happen at the worst times?" Amante cursed.

"Sorry." Herogi managed to say.

Amante looked at her then at the warriors. He scooped up her body bridal stile and jumped to his feet. Herogi wrapped her arms around his neck and he began running as fast as he could to get to the entrance. But the soldiers were gaining on him.

A large shadow cast over them from above. Amante looked up and saw it was Juntul in super natural form. Her large angel like wings on the massive spiked rabbit body, Juntul flew over Amante and Herogi and in front of the soldiers. She crashed through them running on the ground using her antlers to push them away.

Amante focused on getting to the entrance. Chang flew over to them and soared next to them. They could see Misty still as a fox waiting for them.

An arrow whipped past Amante's ear and barely missed Misty at the entrance. "Its the hunters!" Chang exclaimed looking back at the dozen more warriors. The wore shiny armor, and held bows. They kept firing them at Amante and Herogi not wanting to hit Chang.
"You need to think of a way to get faster. Quick!" Chang orders and turned midair to assist Juntul in the battle.

Amante did it. The one thing he hoped he'd never have to do again after it had happened the first time. But it was a dire situation.

He became super natural.

Black fur covered his body. With each stride Amante grew taller, his arms and legs longer too. His head became one of a cat, except with large Cheshire cat like mouth. His body was human shaped, but he grew long claws and spikes peircing down his back. He stood at the height of 20 feet now. Cradling Herogi who was looking in horror at Amante, the boy ran faster, each stride long and smooth. Herogi could fit in one hand so he held her in his right and ran on three legs. He bound over the streets and quickly got to Misty.

He came to a quick stop. He turned his massive head and looked at Juntul and Chang, who flew at them with a quick speed. With his other massive hand, he picked up the fragile fox that was Misty and put her with Herogi. Herogi set Misty on her lap and hugged her close as Amante began running quickly, climbing up the cliff. Amante dug his claws into the rock, climbing with the three legs he had. When He got to the top fell over, landing on his chin, and letHerogi and Misty crawl out.

Herogi set down her fox friend and crawled, unable to walk, to Amante's large head that lay on the ground. His eyes where closed, and he didn't move. But he was breathing. His head was almost as big as Herogi's entire body.

She placed a delicate hand on Amante's forehead. He opened a large cat eye and looked at her. She smiled back at him. She stroked his forehead with her fingers. Amante shifted in comfort. A small, quiet purr erupted from his throat so quiet only Herogi could hear it. She laughed softly and leaned into him. He closed his eye in contentment.

Slowly, Amante's body grew smaller, the claws and fur disappearing along with the spikes. Herogi sat on her knees, making sure to stay off her ankle. As Amante came back to normal, he rolled onto his back. His head was next to Herogi's knees. She smiled at him and he gave her a weak one in return. Then her eyes glanced to his arm. Blood pooled out of it from the fight they had had with the Prince. And more blood trickled onto the grass where he lay on from his back. She frowned at him.

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