Chapter 7. (You broke her)

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"I'm gonna go tell her." I said.

"Go Garrett, shes waiting." Shane said, almost in tears.

We all hugged each other and I went out.

"H-hey S-Sky." I said

"Hey Garebear." she said smiling.

"I need to tell you something." I said in a soft voice.

"Oh, ok" she said.

"I uhm, I-I lo- I dont think this is working out" I said, regretting it as soon as I said it

"What? Why? What did I do?" She said, tears forming in her eyes.

"I JUST DONT OK." I yelled, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Shanes POV

I heard screaming from the other side of the house. Then I heard Skylar bawling her eyes out.

"What the fuck is happening." I whispered to Ryland and Morgan.

"I-I know that cry, it happened on the plane." Morgan responded.

"what is it." I said.

"Shes heartbroken" Morgan said

"What the fuck did he do." Ryland said, protectively.

Skylar came running into the house, and went into the haunted room, slamming the door. We all heard her scream.

"Oh my God." I said.

Garrett came running in crying.

"SHANE, SHANE, I FUCKING MESSED UP." He screamed, barely breathing.

"What did you do? i said tearing up again.

" I told her that it wasnt working out, and then i screamed at her." He said crying.

"Garrett what the fuck?!?! I thought you loved her?!?!?

"I do, Shane, I really really do, but what if people scream at me f-for coming out again." Garrett said.

"Fuck those people." I said.

"We are gonna go run and check on her, shes quiet now." Morgan and Ryland said as they started running over there.

"Garrett, if you really love her, you would do anything for her, this is fucking bullshit what your doing to her." I said sobbing.

"Shane, shes my soulmate and i fucking ruined it,please,oh God Shane, please help me get her back, I cant do anything without her." He said sobbing and screaming.

Morgans POV

We ran into the haunted room. It all felt like slowmotion,i loved Garrett as a friend, but Sky is basically my sister. Me and Ryland ran into the room and there was no Skylar to be found. We checked the bathroom and she wasnt in there.

"Where the fu-" Ryland started to say.

We both got a notification on our phones that Skylar tweeted.

skyl3r tweeted:

Maybe he left because he saw me, the way I see myself.

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"Ryland, look." I said seriously.

"Oh my God." He said

"Look at the comments." I said

"WHO HURT MY BABY SKYLAR!?!?"-soulsomeromantic

"i think it might be garrett watts"-Skylarismymom14

"If its garrett, i swear!!"- SisterSkylarScandals

"its ok bb they dont deserve you :(("-pierre.warner45

"Who was it? Luv u bb <3" SkylarStan4eva

"Oh my God, the fans have noticed it too....the sparks..." Ryland said.

Shanes POV

I got a notification that someone tweeted. I was still crying and hugging Garrett like crazy. I looked at my phone

skyl3r tweeted:

maybe he left me because he saw me, the way I see myself.

1231 retweets 2345 comments

"She just tweeted something." I said, sniffling.

"ohmyGodwhatisit." he said, tears still streaming down his face.

"read it" I said

"maybe he left me because he saw me, the way i see myself.........." He said, his voice quivering in the middle of his sentence.

"Oh my God, I fucked up." He said sobbing again.

He then grabbed his phone off the counter and started typing.

"I just got another twitter notification" I said.

Garrett Watts tweeted:

I cant even explain how I feel anymore, my thoughts are so messed up in my head that I dont even understand them

3462 retweets 2389 comments

"Garrett, listen to me, ok?"i said


"You fucked up, but you cant just fucking sit around and wait for her to come back to you-" I started to say.

"How will you know if she will come back to me?" he whimpered.

"Because Garrett, SHE FUCKING LOVES YOU!!!!!!" I screamed

"really-" he said before our phones both dinged.

skyl3r tweeted:

i guess being lonely fits me

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"Garrett, what did I say?" I said in a soft voice.

"That-that she still loves me" He said, tears streaming down.

Ryland and Morgan came from the haunted room. They both had tears.

"Garrett, you broke her," Morgan said.

"I-i gotta go outside to think. Shane, come with me please." He said

"Im gonna fucking talk to her, and Garrett, I thought you loved her. At least thats what you told us." Morgan said, more upset that me and Ryland.

Morgans POV

I ran back into the haunted room, and saw Skylar, playing the guitar, singing billie eilish's song, wish you were gay. Except she changed it to wish you weren't gay.

"Babes your face is so red." I said

"I just want to make you feel okay? But all you do is look the other way. I cant tell you how much i wish i didnt wanna stay. Oh i just kinda wish you weren't gay..mmm" She sang.

"Aww nooo..Sky.." I whimpered

"I dont believe in love anymore." She whispered

I pulled her into a hug while she continued to strum on her guitar. She pulled out her phone and typed something

Skyl3r tweeted:

Truth is, your the reason i dont believe in love anymore.

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"Come here babes" I said, not letter her know tears were falling down my face.

"Will it be ok? She asked.

"I-I think so." 

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