1. Bennett

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My life was flipped upside down 12 years ago when I was only 6 years old. My favorite uncle and aunt were killed during a rogue attack while protecting the pack while my parents did nothing but watch as they were ripped to shreds. I was never close with my parents and I think that was another reason why I resented them and hated them for not doing what Alphas should, and that's protect the pack.

It's been 13 long years since I watched as they were laid down to rest in the family cemetery a few feet into the woods near a small pond that was surrounded by flowers of all kinds from lilies to roses to violets. Trees as high as skyscrapers were planted all around the clearing shielding a small part of the pond from the sun. It was my go-to place whenever I felt lost and alone, which seems to be every day. I was never close to the people that gave me life but instead, I was close with the people who sacrificed theirs for the pack. I considered them mom and dad and I recall calling them that one time when I was younger and their smiles were as bright as the sun. They radiated warmth, love, but most of all they felt more like home then my parents did.

"It's been 13 years today since you left me" I whispered as I knelt in front of two familiar graves. Molly Victoria Savage loving friend, aunt, daughter, and sister and Marc Elijah Savage. Loving bother, uncle, and son. They were 21 and 22 years old when they were killed, "God I miss you both so damn much. Why did you have to be heroes and die?"

I quickly wiped the tear that fell from my eyes as I stared at the grave in front of me. Fresh flowers were placed on a glass vase meaning Monica had been here already. My parents haven't visited the grave since the day Uncle Marc and Aunt Molly was laid to rest. The only people who ever visited were a few pack members such as Monica, Ellen, and Vincent. They were uncle Marc and aunt Molly's best friends. Benji, Brett, and Chris used to visit just as much but for the past couple of years, they've been visiting less frequently. I visit the site every day before and after school, before and after training.

"Knew I'd find you here when I couldn't find you anywhere in the house," a voice said from behind, a voice I knew too well

"Why were you looking for me Chris?"I asked as I heard the dried leaves crunch as he walked towards me before crouching beside me

"How long has it been?" He asked though I knew he wasn't talking to me, "sorry I haven't visited you in a while. I've been busy with school and guess what? I found my Mate. Wish you two were here so you could meet her."

I smiled as I listened to him gush over his mate which also happens to be one of my best friends, Montana. I was shocked when he said those magical words three years ago when he was 16. I'm happy for them, but there are times that I want to strangle them, especially when they are making out in front of my locker every morning at school.

"Anyway, why were you looking for me?" I asked when he was done and looked over at me.

"Mom asked me to get you. It's dinner time," he replied and I nodded and looked over the grave.

"I'll be back later when dinner is over and if not I'll be back again tomorrow as always," I said and with a sigh, I stood up, dusted off my jeans, fixed my glasses before looking over at Chris and he threw his arm over my shoulder before we made our trek back to the packhouse.


"Why aren't you dressed yet?" Brett asked he knocked on my door.

"Why do I have to go?" I asked as I looked at him from my bed and he rolled his eyes and before he could say anything, our parents' voices from down the hall filled the air and Brett walked in closing the door but not all the way

"It's time that he knows the truth Morgan," Mom said as their voices grew louder as they got closer.

"And what? Have him hate us more? No thanks. I rather he hates us for what happened 13 years ago and then hates us for keeping his birth a secret all these years," Dad said making Brett and I exchange confused looks.

"You and I both know that Bennett will find out the truth sooner or later with or without us telling him," Mom said and I was even more confused.

"If you can bear with him hating you then, by all means, go ahead and tell him that his biological parents died saving the pack when he was five years old and while you're at it tell him the reason why they weren't allowed to keep him," Dad said before a door slamming shot filled the air and Brett and I exchanged shocked looks.

Brett and I didn't say anything after that, just looked at each other confused and angry.

"Bennett," Brett called after what felt like forever and I blinked my eyes.

"They've been lying to me, to us, our whole lives," I whispered as I felt my throat close and eyes burn.

"I'm sure there's a reason why they never told us anything," he murmured as he walked over to my bed and pulled me into his arms as tears began to fall

"What reason could that be? I don't know how to feel about all of this Brett. I really don't know," I whimpered.

"I know. You're going to be okay, just calm down. Take deep breaths in and out." Brett coached me as I felt the signs of a panic attack building only for it to go down as I copied Brett's breathing. It always made me wonder how he knew how to calm me down but never voiced it.

"How do you always know how to help me through my panic attacks?" I asked when we pulled away and he smiled.

"Watched Aunt Molly and Uncle Marc coach you through them when you were little and I guess I just learned along the way" he replied and I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded, "now why don't you wash up and get some sleep? I'll tell mom and dad that you weren't feeling well and that you're staying home"

"Okay" I whispered and he nodded as he climbed out of bed and made his way towards the door, "and Brett?"

"Yeah?" He asked looking over his shoulder with a raised brow

"Thank you" I replied I and he tilted his head and I smiled, "for being here and helping me. Normally Zero would have helped but he's in the infirmary"

"Not a problem bro. Get some sleep and we'll figure things out in the morning" he replied and I nodded and with that, he walked out of my room and I could hear his and Dads voice outside

"Is Bennett dressed?" Morgan asked

"He's actually not feeling too well right now, I suggested he get some sleep while we go to the King Pack," Brett replied

"Alright then, are you ready then? You mother and the others are waiting downstairs.

"Yeah,I'm all set," and then their voices were gone and I sighed, resting back on my bed as I put my hands behind my head as I stared at the ceiling.


That's the constant question in my mind. Why did Marc and Molly give me to Lilith and Morgan? Why didn't they raise me instead? Why did they die without telling me the truth? why, why, why

>We'll get our answers soon Benny, just sleep<Bailey said in my head and I closed my eyes and pictures of my childhood filtered my consciousness and that's how I fell asleep. With memories of my past with my real parents.

"Love you Mommy, Daddy "

"We love you, too, pup."

an here's the first chapter of the new version of My Mate...The Nerd, please let me know what you think and which version you like best...any who don't forget to leave a vote/ fan



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