2. Dimitri

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"FUCK!" I growled as I pounded into Valery, one of my booty calls, and she moaned. Nails digging into my back as she kept repeating faster harder over and over again. I could feel my release getting closer so I quickened my pace before groaning as I released into the condom before pulling out of her and tossing it into the bin before laying beside her. She was a panting and sweaty mess with her hair disheveled with her make up smudged.

"That was the best fuck we've had," Valery said as she panted and rested her head in my shoulder and I chuckled

"Yeah, but now I have to go back outside since it's my party" I replied walking to my bathroom to shower and I looked over my shoulder when I felt her behind me and raised a brow, "what are you doing?"

"Joining you. We can go another round in the shower" she said as she gave me a seductive smile and I rolled my eyes

"Get out. I don't want you in here with me" I replied stepping in before adding, "you better be gone by the time I'm done"

"Oh come on Dimitri. It's not like we haven't had sex in the bathroom before" she scoffed and I flashed her my eyes

"I said leave. Today was the last time we'll be having sex. I don't want you anywhere near me after today." I said and she rolled her eyes

"Right, you'll be looking for me begging me to be in your bed again" she deadpanned

"I won't repeat myself, Valery. Whatever it was we had is over now. You were the last one I had in my bed and that won't ever happen again something tells me that tomorrow will be the day I'll be finding my mate and I don't want to start off on bad terms with them" I stated, "now get out and close the door behind you on your way" I closed the door before she could say anything else and turned the water on before cloning in washing away the smell of sex and the scent of Valery off of my body.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Dimitri King, eldest son of Xavier and Elizabeth King who are the current alphas of the King pack, second largest werewolf pack in Quebec, Canada. The first being the Savage Pack. Anyway, today is my 18th birthday and also the day that my dad hands me the Alpha title.

Closing my eyes I let the hot water cascade down my back before scrubbing the body wash for a few minutes before rinsing it off. I grabbed the two in one bottle of shampoo and conditioner before lathering my hair up

>Where the hell are you, Dimitri? The ceremony is about to start< Sage's, my younger brother, voice filled my head and I rolled my eyes as I finished my shower

>I'll be down in a sec I was showering<I sent him and he gave me a mental eye roll

>You're a fucking moron I swear. Your mate could be here and you're off fucking some bimbo seriously?< He asked but before I could reply he closed the link and I clenched my jaw before shutting the water off and getting out grabbing the towel from the hook and drying off. I walked out of the bathroom and back to my room to change. Once down I sprayed a good amount of air freshener to mask the scent from earlier before leaving my room.

As soon as I stepped out onto the yard the chatter silenced and all eyes were on me as I held my head high as I made my way towards the stage where my parents and siblings were waiting

>It's nice of you to finally join us, Dimitri, < Dad's voice echoed in my head as he looked at the guests. I saw a few pack members lingering in the woods with wolves from the surrounding packs that were invited.

>Sorry, I was showering <

>At least you did that before coming out< he retorted but didn't say anything else as he began speaking to the guests

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, my wife and I appreciate you all taking time out of your day to join us in celebrating our eldest sons birthday" he began as he addressed everyone in the yard and damn he knew how to grab everyone's attention and hopefully I'll be as good as him once I'm Alpha, "and like any other parent, we are proud of the man that you've become and will continue to be as you grow into your new role as the leader of the King Pack. You will never be alone as your mother and I will always be there to help you and teach you and guide you in the right direction as you navigate life. We will keep pushing you to the best of yourself. Happy birthday son"

Cheers and howls echoed all around as we exchanged hugs before Mom and I exchanged a kiss on the cheek. My brothers and I exchanged hugs and shoulder pats before I looked back at my dad who nodded and the two of us walked towards the burning flames in the middle before Dad held his hand out and sliced his palm open letting droplets of blood drip onto the flames making it hiss before he did the same to me making me hiss at the burning the knife made on my palm

"Dimitri Malachai King, from this day forward do you swear to do everything in your power to protect and lead this pack as best as you can for as long as you're Alpha?" He asked and I nodded

"I swear, to be the best that I can for as long as I'm Alpha," I said

"Do swear to fight at the front lines with the pack when your enemies attack?"

"I swear" and with each passing second as each proclamation, I could feel something in my change. I felt stronger. My muscles grew in size and I grew three inches taller but I was still shorter than my father at 6'3.

"And lastly if and when you find your mate do you swear to show them the respect, loyalty, and love that you show your pack?" He questioned and I nodded

"I swear that my mate will be cherished, respected, cared for, loved for as long as I shall live for as long as the goddess gives me life. They will revive nothing but loyalty, love, and respect from if and when I find them. I sear to be truthful with them and to never keep anything from them" I replied and that was the last piece that was needed for the power to be handed over. And I wasn't lying when I made those vows to my father about cherishing my mate and respecting them and loving them. I knew that whoever they were, that they would be the center of my world and that I'd give my life for them.

"Bow down to your new Alpha," Dad said as he knelt before me, the rest of the pack followed suit with our allies, and friends doing the same

"ALL HAIL ALPHA DIMITRI!" My brother, Sage, yelled before the sound of bones cracking as he shifted filled the air followed by a howl that was joined by the rest of the guests and pack. I looked around the yard at my pack. My family. My friends and our allies all in wolf form as they howled up to the moon and smiled before shifting into my wolf form and joining them.

What I didn't know was that my life was about to get even better come tomorrow morning.

an here's a new update guys let me know what you all think and don't forget to leave a vote/fan

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