22. Dimitri

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The thought of being watched didn't sit well with me. Especially knowing that it put my family at risk. The fear in Lucas's eyes and voice was a reminder that we will always be in danger. I had already asked my Beta and the others to patrol the borders and get back to me if they found anything suspicious but nothing. It's been three weeks since that rogue showed itself in the woods. The evil way he looked towards us sent a chill of anger and fear through my veins.

"What has you thinking so much, son?" The voice of my father asked as he stood beside me in the kitchen, away from the rest of the family

"The new threat that is looming over us like a cloud," I said and looked out the window to see the pack all mulling around as if nothing were wrong, "how am I supposed to keep everyone safe if I don't know what kind of threat is coming?"

"No one ever knows how to keep everyone safe, Dimitri, but what you can do is give them the strength and reassurance that whatever is coming will not defeat you, us" he replied and I nodded turning back to face him, "you're a great Alpha Dimitri, you will know what to do when the time comes"

"I just fear that it won't be enough" I murmured and he gave me a reassuring smile as he patted my shoulder

Before he could say anything else I heard a loud scream coming from outside and bolted out of the house with my father not far behind and scanned the area. Women and children were running towards the house to get to the safe room.

"AIDEN! AIDEN WHERE ARE YOU?!" Sonia called out for the small boy that had not just captured mine and Bennett's hearts but everyone else's. I felt my heart sink as I scanned the area and didn't see the little boy with white hair anywhere.

"AIDEN!" I called out hoping he would hear my voice and come to me. He always said that Bennett and I made him feel safe, "COME ON PUP WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"Dimitri, the woods," My father said as I heard a twig snap and I dashed towards the sound, the smell of fear, tears and blood filled the air and I snarled running further towards the smell. And I felt my blood run cold as I watched Aiden's small body lying in a puddle of blood with a rogue hovering over him, I snarled getting the bastard's attention and I could see the glee in his eyes as he bent down to Aiden's neck but a flash of light brown fur rammed into him knocking him over and I ran towards the little boy and picked him, relieve washing over me as I could still feel his pulse.

"Stay with my pup, stay with me" I whispered as I stood up with him in my arm, a wolf I've never seen before standing in front of me, it's back towards me as the other wolf fought the rogue. The wolf turned its head towards me and his eyes said to get him to safety we've got this I nodded not giving a fuck that an unknown wolf was giving me orders. I ran towards the pack house with Aiden's limp body in my arms and Sonia gasped as she looked at Aiden, full of cuts and blood dripping.

"Dimitri" I looked up at the sound of Morgan's voice and he held his arms towards the small boy in mine, "Give him to me, I'll take him to the doctor" I swallowed the lump in my throat and reluctantly gave the boy to him, "Go kill the rogue that did this to him, Dimitri. Destroy the bastard"

I growled and turned on my heels running down the hall and crashing through the open door shifting in midair and ran towards the woods. The two wolves were still fighting the rogue when I crashed through the trees. Blood and howls filled the air from all around. The wolves were panting. They were exhausted from the way they were snarling and growling at the rogue.

>I will kill the son of a bitch who hurt my pup< Grayson snarled in my head and I didn't even argue with him, Aiden had stolen my heart and soul and the bastard will pay for laying a finger on him. I growled earning their attention. Their eyes, something about their eyes looked familiar yet I didn't have time to think about how the smaller of the two had the same eye color as Bennett's. Instead, I launched over them and clamped my jaws down on the rogue's throat taking him by surprise as he hadn't thought that I would return. His distraction was enough to take him down. He snarled and clawed at my sides but I only held tighter.

I felt the other two wolves disappear but I didn't care. This was my fight now and I will be damned if I let the rogue win. I let the rogue go when I felt his body go limp in my jaw and looked down when all I could see in its eyes was fear and the knowledge that he was going to die filled his eyes. I sneered before running towards the others.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and hissed and looked down but there was nothing. And shook my head focusing on the rogue in front of me. It was dripping drool onto the already blood-soaked grass.

>Let's finish him off< Grayson snarled in my head and I nodded launching at it just as he did the same, out jaws and claws slicing and biting each other. The same wolves from before were engaged in battle as well with three rogues. Blood was spilling from their coats but they didn't seem to care as the small one clamped it's jaws down on the rogue and ripping its throat out before engaging the next. Something by the way they fought reminded me of someone but I just couldn't place my finger on it. Not when I was in the middle of a fight. I hissed when I felt another stab to my stomach but shook that feeling off and focused on the fight.

With a final clamp of my jaws on the rogue's throat, I felt him thrash in my grip trying to get away but he knew if he pulled himself free that he'd be only killing himself. I could feel the blood in my mouth making me gag. Rogue blood was bitter and tasted rotten. The rogue began to lose strength and not long he went limp in my mouth and o tossed his dead body away from me and looked around to see the yard covered in rogues. Blood soaked the grass as my pack and those unknown wolves stood watching the aftermath of the fight.

>I'm going to patrol the borders to make sure we got every one of them< Jeremy said through the link and I nodded watching him and the others bolting towards the borders of the territory and I shifted to my human form before collapsing on the wet grass with a gasp clasping my stomach.

"Benny" was the last thing I thought about before my world turned black.

an here's a new update everyone please let me know what you think and don't forget to leave a vote/fan as well as your thoughts in the comments I like reading what you think.

And as always please stay safe and don't go into unless it's necessary.



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