Chapter 10 Orientation

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The day came and it was time for Anne and I to leave for the academy. Hannah had packed our clothes into suitcases that I knew we would never touch since they would all just end up being put in drawers in our room.

"The carriage is here." Mother comes in to say.

"Let's get going then." I say.

We step outside to the front of our house. We see a carriage that almost looks like a pumpkin with two brown horses guiding it.

My father decides to give a sort of pep talk to Anne and I. "Now I want you both to succeed but I also don't want you to go overboard. Anne, please keep Jess out of trouble. Jess, just... don't do anything too bad."

"What would incline you to say that?" I say.

"We've already talked about it, now off with you."

"Bye mother, bye father!" Anne and I say goodbye to our parents and get in the carriage to go to the academy. After about four and a half hours of boredom, eating lunch and waiting later, we finally arrive at the academy. It doesn't look very big. It's roughly half the size of a high school on earth. When the carriage stops, the door opens and we step out. To our surprise, Hannah is the one who opened it.

"Welcome to the academy." She says.

"Why are you here?" Anne asks.

"I'm a teacher of course."

"Why? And how did you get here before us? I thought it took five hours to get here?" I ask.

"It does, but I have my ways. I also left before you did. As for why, because why not?"


"Let's get you two to orientation!"

"What about our things?"

"Someone will get them. Let's go."

I thought so. Anne and I follow Hannah inside the building. There are signs everywhere telling us to go to the same location. I think we need to go to the multipurpose room.

When we get to the room, there are already about fifty people present. As far as I can see I don't know anyone here but I might have missed some people. Most of them are humans but there are groups of elves and man-beasts here and there.

"Attention everyone!" An announcer calls. Everyone quiets down. "We will now begin orientation."

The announcer is a man that looks like he's in his fifties and has maroon colored hair. My guess is fire and earth magic.

Orientation begins with the announcer saying all the rules for the school. The rules are obvious; don't do anything bad. "Alright now that that's over with, we need to put you into your classes." The man says.

"Please get into a single file line." He says as three people bring in a large black orb from outside.

The orb is perfectly symmetrical and is as tall as an adult. I drag Anne to the back of the line.

"Why are we back here?" She asks.

"We don't want everyone knowing what we can do so we definitely can't go first."

"Alright, now that everyone is in line, here is how it works. All you have to do is place your hand on the orb and it will have different colors depending on what you can do." The man says as he demonstrates. Just as I thought, a red and brown circle appears.

The first person puts their hand on the orb and a few circles of color appear. A red and clear circle appears. They must be able to use fire and air magic. "Room 3B." The announcer says.

The second person walks up and puts their hand on the orb. No circles appear. "Room 4B." I wonder what color their hair is. Maybe they don't have any.

The third person has three circles; green, white, and red. They can use time, light, and fire. "Room 1A." They must be special if they got into the first class. I watch as they go to exit the door, it looks like they're an elf. I get a glimpse of their face and its Samantha Budrene. She is a noble; I guess it makes sense that she is in the best class.

After most people had gone already, I counted about six people to be in each class. Also present was Darren Howells who could use light and earth magic. Then there was David Kirscht who could use sound and fire. Of course, they both were put into 'room 1A'.

Anne and I were the only ones left to be checked. Anne was about to start stepping towards the big orb the man stops her. "Not you two."

"What's wrong?" Anne asks with telepathy since we are unable to speak normally.

He looks a little surprised. "Your evaluation will be held in private, as per your father's wishes."

"Okay, but how are we supposed to know what class we're in?" I say.

"All nobles are to be put in room 1A. There is no need to worry."

"I see."

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