Chapter 20 Truth

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I decide to tell my family about what happened that night. Leaving out God of course.

"So you're actually a dragon now?" Father asks.

"Yes, indeed I am."

"Do you mind if we see?" Anne asks.

"See what?"

"You're current true form." She says.

I sigh, "I guess so." I start to concentrate.

"Wait! Don't do it in here! You'll be too big and you'll break something!" Mother screams.

"Don't worry, I read information on the dragon I am and it said I could control my size."

"How you ever been able to?" Anne asks.

"Well, I was only a dragon for a few seconds before I changed to a human form."

"Uh oh." She says.

"It'll be fine don't worry." I finish getting myself concentrated. I close my eyes and picture myself back as the dragon but the size of a German Shepard.

"Did it work?" I ask and open my eyes.

Everything seems slightly bigger. I am also under the table. "Jess? Where did you go?" I hear father say.

I jump onto the table and surprise everyone. They all stare at me in awe at my grey body with small crystal spikes connected to me.

"Sorry, I was under the table." I tell them.

"You're a-" I cut mother off. "Yeah I know, I'm a dragon."

"No, not just that." She continues, "You're the fabled 'Foul Pharaoh Dragon'"

"Ugh I really don't like that name."

"The Foul Pharaoh Dragon was the only creature in the world with a danger level of ten." She says.

"Yeah, I know, because it could control all of the magic types. Well guess what, I can too."

"You can help everyone in the war between Cresselia." Father says.

"Oh by the way, I know the actual source of that sound you all thought came from there."

"You do? What was it?" He asks.

"It would be better if we went outside for this one." We all walk outside. I practice flying through the halls a bit in my smaller dragon body while we make our way there.

"Stand back." I tell them when we reach outside. I grow back to my normal size. I am now four times their height.

"Wow!" They say in astonishment.

"Alright, ready?" I ask.

Without letting them answer, I face my head up and use sound magic to amplify my voice again.


The whole house shakes. Everybody loses their balance and I look at the path my voice made and there was a big hole in the clouds above us.

"You were the cause oh the sound?" Father asks.

"Well, yeah." I say shrinking back to dog size.

"We must tell the royal family immediately! We need to prevent this war!" He says.

"Jess, could you take us there?" Mother asks.

"What do you mean?"

"The fastest way to get to the castle would be to us space magic, but neither of us have it and you have never been there so you won't know where to put the portal." Father says.

"Why can't you use a carriage?"

"That would take too long."

"Oh alright. Just tell me where to go." I say and grow back again. Father climbs on my back and holds on to one of the crystals.

"Thank you Jess!" Mother says as she is helped us by Father who also helps Anne.

"Looks like it's a family trip then, huh?" Anne says.

"Hehe, it would seem so." I laugh.

"Alright Jess, we need you to as fast as you can in that direction." Father says as he points southwest.

"Let's just hope that my fastest is actually fast." I expand my huge wings and start flapping. I steadily start to rise off the ground.

"You don't need to be careful just for us."

"Okay then, just hang on."

Even if they say they'll be fine, I use air magic to make a sort of bubble of protection around them. I don't know if they noticed but I did, my body became slightly transparent. I use my wings and flap once. We are immediately hundreds of feet in the air. I continue flapping to hover in the air.

"Are you alright back there?"

I wait for a response. Nothing.

"Um, either I can't hear you, you fainted, or you're all dead."

"Yeah, we're fine." Anne says, "You can't hear the other two."

"Phew, I thought I'd lost you all."

"Now, we're off." I use my wings to go straight in the direction father pointed. In seconds I catch a glimpse of what looks like an avocado. I stop and ask, "Is this it?"

"Father says yes. Please land somewhere safe."

"Alright." I begin our descent. Rather than going straight down and giving a huge gust of wind to the place, I circle above it and quickly but gradually make it down. On the way down, I see the pit of the avocado is where the castle is. I decide to land there. I find an open field inside the walls of the pit and land there gracefully.

I take town the air magic around my passengers and become no longer transparent.

"We're here!" I tell them.

"Halt in the name of King Frederick Veril and Queen Amelia Veril of the continent Xerneas!" What looks like hundreds of guards surrounded me. I cower in pretend fear, hoping they'll think I mean no harm.

Father hops off of me and tells them, "I am Gerald Chinweike, a noble from this continent. I request to be in attendance of the King and Queen."

"Move aside guards." A man says moving past everyone in the crowd.

"Hello my old friend." Father says.

"Hello, brother." The man says.

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