Chapter 33 Heroes

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"Hero party? What's that supposed to be?" Eliza asks.

"We're the party that has been destined to defeat the Great Evil." The boy says.

"Great Evil? What's that?" Anne asks.

"The leader of the demon army." The boy on the left says.


"So, like a Demon Lord?" I ask.

"Well the Demon Lord is the king that reigns over the demon race. The Great Evil is a completely separate entity that controls the armies."

"So, this thing called the 'Great Evil' is going to do what exactly?" I ask.

"It is going to destroy the world. We have to stop it before that goal is completed." Back to the first boy.

"So this Great Evil is planning to destroy the world and you three are the only ones who can stop this?"

"Yes. Exactly."

"And what would qualify you three? I bet there are plenty of stronger people around."

"There was a prophecy."

"What would that be?"

"It went, 'The three heroes who shall defeat the Great Evil shall consist of the great hero who can use all types of magic, a hero who will betray the Great Evil, and the hero who loves the great hero the most.' This fits the three of us perfectly."

"Let me guess," I start, pointing to the boy in the middle, "You're the great hero who can use all types of magic?" He nods, I move my finger to the boy on the left, "You're the one who will betray the great evil?" He also nods, I change to the girl, "And you're the one who loves the great hero the most?" She nods as well and grabs ahold of his arm.

"I just have three main questions though," I start again, "First, what makes you able to betray the Great Evil?"

Eliza whispers to me, "He's a demon."

"How can you tell."

"He's the son of the demon lord. That makes him a prince...and very recognizable."

I guess if he betrays the entire continent by abandoning it, he betrays the Great Evil indirectly.

"Second, can you really use all types of magic? I doubt it highly." I say.

"Well, right now I can't use any legendary magic yet, but that is why we are here." He says.

"How would this place help you at all?"

"There is a special item that allows the user to use any type of magic they can't use already."

Wow, that's probably pretty cool. I wonder what would happen if I tried to use it.

"Lastly, who gave you this mission?"

"We were given this by her mother," he points to his elven lover, "She's a famous oracle who can predict the future. She has also never gotten a prediction wrong."

"Does the queen of the elves know about it?"

"We planned to tell her once we finished through this dungeon."

"Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but you're not the only ones who fit that specific description." Eliza says.

They all seem surprised. "Who would that be?" The boy on the left asks.

"Us, of course!" She says.

The three of them start laughing.

"What's your relationship with the Great Evil?" I ask.

"I'll tell you later. Quick, let's enter while they're distracted." Eliza tells Anne and I. We simply nod.

I go in first, Anne follows and Eliza takes the rear. After we descend multiple feet, we hear the laughing stop.

"Hey, where'd they go?" How are they so confused, isn't it obvious?

"Follow them!" There they go.

We hear loud steps behind us. Very quickly, they catch us, but they fail to notice, fall into us and all six of us tumble down the staircase. Its not a long staircase but it definitely could've been shorter. Why does a dungeon need to be so far beneath the earth anyway.

"How dare you!" The main boy says.

"What did we do?" I ask.

"You made us fall into the dungeon."

"Are you serious? I'm pretty sure it was the other way around." I say.

"Um, guys?" The girl says.

"What." The boy asks and we look at her. She is pointing further in the room. Oh yeah, right, the monsters.

"Don't worry, I will save you all!" The boy says. He quickly takes a sword out of nowhere and quickly takes care of the ten wolves on the floor.

Eliza laughs fairly loudly and I laugh in my head. I assume Anne would be laughing too.

"What?" He asks.

"I guess it would make sense if you haven't heard of our party, we only formed it three days ago and she only joined two days ago." I point at Eliza, "Plus I doubt news about us has spread to other continents."

"Why are you even here then? Newbies like you should never be in a dungeon let alone a level three! Plus one of you is just a child."

Eliza laughs again. "I guess that last part is true, but you underestimate us."

"Oh yeah, by how much?" He asks.

"Quite a lot actually. Do you have adventurer ID cards?"

"Yeah." He says questioning everything Eliza is saying and doing.

"What are your ranks? On second thought, first, what are your names?"

"My name is Gabriel." The main boy says, "This is Diana and Paul." He says, pointing at the other two.

"Good, now your ranks."

"Why should we tell you?" He asks.

"We could all be allies in the future, and depending on the rank, we might even leave you be."

I snicker at that thought. I can already guess some of their abilities. Gabriel already said he can use the common and rare magic but no legendary. This makes him already weaker than two of us. I'd guess the others aren't as talented as him.

"Fine. I am rank six, she is two and he is three."

Silence. Then, Eliza laughing harder than before.

"What?" He asks.

"Oh nothing. It's just, you guys need more protection than we do." She continues to laugh.

"Come on, let's just complete the dungeon as the six of us. Also, don't worry, you can have everything we happen to find. Although, I would like to try out that item you were talking about before, at least once." I say.

"If you think you're so powerful, prove it." Gabriel says.

"Oh don't worry, there are plenty of ways we can prove ourselves."

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