Chapter 16 Return

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I guess screaming helped end my suffering. I look around at my surroundings. I'm really a lot taller than I was just a minute ago. I'm still in the cave. I think when I screamed; I must've used magic because I'm surrounded by scorch marks. There are also scattered chunks of earth everywhere.

I continue looking around and see a rainbow colored tail with clear crystal spikes on it. I watch as it slowly loses its color. It changes to a bland colored grey, except for the spikes that it has. They stay clear.

What am I supposed to do? I need to get back to the academy.

'Just imagine yourself as a human again.'

That is most definitely not going to work. I think to myself for a bit but I decide to attempt it anyway. I close my eyes and think of the body I had before I got to this cave.

Did it work? I open my eyes. I'm back at my previous height. I look at my hands and to my surprise I'm back again as a human. Now, how do I get out of this cave?

I walk over to the giant cherry blossom tree and put my hands on it. They go through again. Not again. I step through and I come out of the tree at the academy. It's still dark out, I'll go back to my room and act like that never happened, for now.

I leave the courtyard and go up the stairs and down the hall into my room. Anne is asleep in her bed and my bed is made. This can just be a crazy nightmare. I fall asleep.

"Jess?" A familiar voice calls me to wake.

"Huh? Who is it?" I open my eyes to see an older girl with light blue hair hovering over my bed. I quickly sit up.

"Jess!" She is using telepathy. She dives at me and hugs me.

"Who are you?" I say.

"Jess, it's me, Anne."

"But Anne and I are twins. You can't possibly be her."

"You've been missing. For eight years."

"What do you mean? How could I have been gone for eight years?" I say.

"We all thought you were dead."

"It's literally only been one night."

"Jess, stop. Whether you like it or not, you were missing for eight years. But now you're back."

God, what did you do?

'I may have sped time a bit in heaven to make it seem like you were only gone for a little bit.'

I hate you.

"I'm sorry. I loved being your twin. I ruined it all." I say.

"None of this is your fault. Get dressed, I must go tell Hannah of your return."

"Yeah, okay." She leaves the room.

I'm so frustrated. You didn't tell me this would take eight years! There's no point in getting mad. I can't really take it back now. I change into a dress that matches my hair.

Someone slams open the door. I look over to see Hannah with Anne standing behind her.

"Hi." I say to her with a nervous expression.


"I uh...don't know."

"What do you mean, you don't know?"

"For me it felt like no time passed."

"I can guess that from how old you still look." She says.

"Well, it looks like I'm eight years behind on the learning curve! Let's get started." I say ignoring whether she wants to question me or not as I walk out of the room towards our classroom.

"Wait! We haven't told anyone yet. We won't know their reaction." Hannah says.

"I know what their reaction will be. They'll say 'You're back!' or 'How?' or 'What happened?' something like that." I say back to her and she follows me.

I arrive at the classroom to find nobody present. "See Hannah nothing to worry about, no one is even here."

"The only thing you really needed to learn was history." She says.

"Well, give me a brief summary." I say.

"Okay then. The human continent Xerneas is the largest and most populated continent. Next is the demon continent Cresselia, the second largest and second most populated. Then there are the third and fourth continents; the elven continent Adroya and the man-beast continent Klumane. Long ago, Cresselia tried to take over the world. An alliance between the other three was made to prevent that. Later, Cresselia joined and peace happened." She says.

"That wasn't so hard."

"Except it started happening again."

"What started happening again?"

"Everyone thinks Cresselia is going to try it again."

"What, take over the world?"

"Yes." She says.

"What would make you think that?"

"Well, about a month ago, a noise was heard."

"What kind of noise would that be?"

"Well, nobody is very sure. All we know is it is powerful and if the source came from Cresselia, well, we'll probably end up having another war."

Well this got exciting real fast.

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