Chapter 18 Test

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"You can keep all the crystals if you want, but it would surely help us if you made a donation." Principal Gipper says.

"Don't you get money from the nobles?" I ask.

"Well, yes, but more money never hurt anybody."

"If that's all you called me for, can I leave now?"

"Yes, you may go."

"Thank you. By the way, what's the point in having these doors when whoever walks through them gets underwhelmed immediately?" I say and I leave the room.

I walk back the way Hannah and I came. I return to the tree and step through. Nobody is here. "Where'd they all go?" I say to nothing. I step back out and see Hannah.

"Hannah, where is everyone?" I ask.

"They're at breakfast."

"Oh yeah, I guess sustenance is still needed to live, huh."

"Uh...yeah." She says slightly creeped out that I used sustenance rather than food.

"Come on, I'm starving! I feel like I haven't eaten anything in eight years!" I say.

"Well according to you, it was only one night."

"That doesn't mean I'm not hungry."

"Come on." She says and gestures me to follow. We end up back in the multipurpose room where everyone would usually eat.

"I suspect you remember how to get your food?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say. I grab my food and get to the nobles table. I feel something watching me. I take a glance behind me to see multiple people avert their gazes.

"Geez, what's their problem?" I ask out loud.

"You have been missing for eight years." David says.

"Yeah, yeah. Just accept it already people."

We finish eating and everyone gets to their classes. The five of us sit where we sat before I left.

"Alright class. You all remember that you have a test on chapter six today right?" Hannah says as she walks in the room.

"Yes." Everyone says except me.

"Hannah what will I be doing?" I ask.

"You will also be taking a test to see if you can skip a few years of the academy to keep up with your sister." She says and I send a glare to Anne. Hannah passes out the tests.

My test is another 75 questions. It is almost identical to the one I took to start. I finish in ten minutes.

"Done." I say. Everyone looks at me.

"Record time!" David says.

Hannah takes my test and grades it. "Of course. Jessica you got a perfect score. Even on the history."

"Oh, that's nice."

"With this you could technically just graduate, but your parents might not be too thrilled that Anne is by herself."

"Don't they realize she was alone for eight years?" I ask.

"No, Anne hasn't gone home since you left."

"What? Why not Anne?"

"I didn't want them to know you had gone missing and I was by myself."

"Then why don't you graduate with me." I say. This whole time I've been letting everyone in on the conversation. I separate everyone else so only Anne can hear. "You realize you can just ask me what the answers are anyway."

"But, that's cheating."

"Only if you get caught."

"But I-" I cut her off, "Come on, do it for you little sister's sake." She seems sad when I said little sister.

"Ms. N? Can I take that test as well?"

"Oh, you want to try to graduate? I guess I could let you try." She says and gives Anne a separate test.

Anne continues to take the test. Every once in a while she asks me if she has a question right. Sometimes it's wrong and I help her to get the right answer. It wouldn't help her learn if she didn't get the answers herself. After about an hour, she is finally finishing.

"I'm finished." She tells Hannah.

"Alright." Hannah takes her test and looks it over.

"It's all correct."

"Don't sound surprised Ms. N." Samantha says, "She is the top student at the school."

"It's haven't been taught some of this yet." Hannah says.

"What about me? I haven't been taught either." I say.

"You're, something else." She says.

"That's rude." I say.

"I will go tell the principal that you have both passed the academy." Hannah says and leaves.

"Why did she just leave us all here?" I ask.

"She does this all the time. Don't worry." Darren says.

"But she didn't tell us to do anything."

"Well that's her fault." He says.

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