Chapter 4 // Sam

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Kara being unsure doesn't go unnoticed by Lena and Kara knows it. That's the problem. When Lena excuses herself again Kara just sits there, thinking. About what to do, give it a chance? Kill her? What are her other options? Because using her is her only real option right now. Giving a chance means no control. And she needs to fix things, make all vampires have the same diet as Lena. 

Because that's a start... It's something. Not enough, that's for sure. But something is better than nothing. The massive wooden door creaks opens and Kara looks up. The woman that walks in isn't Lena, no a woman with brownish hair and brown eyes walks in. She looks at Kara and has this genuine smile. She says in this very welcoming voice "Hello Kara Zor-El!" She walks over to Kara and holds her hand out to shake. So Kara grabs her hand and the woman introduces herself as "Samantha Arias but you can call me Sam, pleasure to meet you in person." Kara just smiles and Sam sits down next to her.

"I see that Lena finally got her soulmate here. It took her long enough, wait! Now I can tell you all the strange and stalker stories about Lena! Perfect." Kara just chuckles and asks "And how many do you know then?" "Enough, I have been with Lena for quite some time. They call me the Adviser." Kara just slowly nods and beams when she says "Cool title, so meet me in person? You also had stalker duties?" Samantha nods and chuckles "Most vampires that are trustworthy have. Somebody needed to protect you and your family," Kara slowly nods and Samantha continues "And of course we needed to give Lena information about you. She always writes everything down. It's kinda strange. But when that girl got a chance for love she is going to take it." 

Kara gulps her saliva down, a bit confused and scared. "No worries though, she is the only one with a soulmate like that. Before we are going to talk about the awful stories about Lena I have to ask you, is your sister still single?" Kara nods hesitantly and stammers out "Y- Yes?" Luckily for Kara that's the moment that Lena walks in. When she sees Sam a little too close to Kara she hisses and gives Sam a pointy look who immediately stands up. She hastily says "I have stories about things like that, it happened a lot." She sits down on a chair and Lena sits down next to Kara again. Kara just chuckles because this is cute, jealousy on a vampire. Or more important jealousy on Lena.

Lena has an paper envelope in her hand and passes it to Kara. Kara looks at the content and sees that it's quite some money so she quickly hold is in front of Lena for her to grab and quickly says "I- I can't possibly take this! It's too much." Lena pushes Kara's hands back and says "What's mine is yours. And you need quite some money with the appetite of yours." Sam mutters something "Yes, and we needed to calculate that all." Kara looks at Sam since she clearly heard it. And then slowly turns to Lena "You made them calculate my expenses?" Lena hesitancy nods and Kara's mouth slowly falls open. She didn't expect this.

It takes some time for Kara to shake her head and come back to reality.  A hand is on her knee and see that's Lena. Automatically she moves away from the hand. She looks Lena in the eyes who just looks hurt. Vampires have more emotions than she thought. She quickly apologises "I- I am sorry. I just thought... about Alex and when I am in my own head I normally lose control." It wasn't a complete lie. But she just didn't want to be touched, well she does want to be touched and pulled into hugs. But not like this. It feels wrong. They take her into their home and treat her gently and kind. Even though she came here to kill them. All of them. 

So she grabs a knife from her pocket. And tosses it on the ground. Sam gasps but Lena doesn't look shocked, only relieved. She turns to Kara and places a kiss on her head and says quietly "Thank you." Kara only nods and smiles this guilty smile, she did something good even though the other thing could have killed them. More trust... that's better, right? Maybe she can't keep up with her plan until the end and maybe things will change. But Lena trusts her, so that's good. Deep inside Kara also trusts Lena, she has no idea why but she just does.

It's this deep manifested feeling. One you can't ignore but also not know where it comes from. It's a mystery just like love is. Love is just way too special. Sam still sits there with her mouth wide open so she turns to Sam and asks "Any funny stories?" And with that Sam lights up and starts talking. About how Lena was when she had a boyfriend or somebody kissed her. The right word she used was 'cute'. Lena sometimes grumbled something mad but didn't do much about it. From time to time she gave clarification. Something that was truly needed. They never really talked about being a vampire. But that didn't matter for Kara, she wouldn't want to know the killing and bloodsucking parts.

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