Chapter 5 // Stay

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Hours and many funny and strange stories later the sun began setting. It was getting late so Lena suddenly asked "Kara, would you like to stay the night?" For a couple seconds Kara thinks about all the ups and downs and decides that's it's worth a try. So she agrees and smiles brightly. Lena didn't probably expect it because it takes some time for her to react but she smiles brightly when she does. 

So Lena quickly orders Sam to get food, apparently she knows Kara's favourites. Of course if you meet Kara you know that it will always be potstickers and pizza, but that doesn't change the fact that apparently know it. Quite scary... It didn't take long for Sam to arrive with food so Lena guided Kara to the dining room. A marvellous room with a high ceiling and chandeliers. Lena plays the gentleman and pulls the chair at the head of the table ready for Kara to use. 

Kara sits down at the head of table when Sam walks in with a couple of plates for her. She knows that they are all for her since vampires don't eat. Well, obviously they feed of blood. Otherwise they wouldn't be called bloodsuckers. Kara slowly eats, trying to let them see she has manners. Which she of course does, but not with food. 

She just slowly eats with fork and knife even though she is eating potstickers and pizza. The potstickers are truly delicious. When she comes to think of it she has never tasted them like this and she went to almost all the restaurants in National City except... these probably cost quite much. Should she ask? No? Yes? Maybe? No... that's not that nice.

So she eats silently while Lena just sits there, reading the paper... probably to pass the time. She is drinking something from a mug. When Kara sniffs a little she knows what it is. Blood. Kara looks disgusted at the mug and it's like Lena is oblivious. But that doesn't matter right, everybody has their bad sides? And Lena's is that thick red liquid.

'It's all about peace.' Kara thinks, she has to do this for the safety of National City. And to keep Lena alive, because she is way too nice for to be killed. And she didn't have a choice, right? That's what she told. But what if it is a lie? What if she did have a choice? But then- what kind of relationship is this even? Kara swallows her food and speaks up "Lena, what are we?" Lena pushes her paper down and raises an eyebrow "I thought that was pretty clear. We are engaged. You are my fiancee and I am yours."

Kara slowly nods and looks down at the beautiful ring on her hand, she forgot about that thing. She chuckles a bit nervous which makes Lena cover Kara's hand with her own. This time Kara doesn't move away "Darling, we don't need to marry tomorrow. We can wait until eternity if that's what you need." Kara gulps her saliva down and starts to sweat because she is truly nervous. She might even be a nervous wreck. So a note, don't talk. That's the way to go right now.

But Lena thinks otherwise, that concerned look on her face returns as she asks and apologises "Did I make you nervous? I am sorry then, I didn't want to do that." Kara shakes her head and quickly says a bit too high "No, no. It's okay Lena." Lena softly squeezes Kara's hand and has this gentle look on her face. She smiles at Kara and says "Love, I will probably say this a million times. But when you ever need to talk about something I will be here." Kara messes with her glasses that aren't even there.

She agrees and her appetite is just gone so Lena asks when Sam took the dishes away if she wanted to go to bed already. It wasn't something that Kara expected but now she gets it, Lena said stay the night, not stay for dinner and it would be unkind to say no now. So she quickly agrees and Lena leads her to some sort of master bed room. Lena gives her these shorts and t-shirt after asking if she wanted a nightgown which Kara's answer was no to. The shorts and t-shirt were just normal clothes. Nothing old or strange.

When she lays down Lena lays down beside her. She knows from the stories that vampires don't sleep. But maybe Lena can? Since she is different? Kara just doesn't know for sure anymore. About everything. She needs to put everything straight. Lena is her soulmate, her words and Sam's. Lena proposed, she said yes even though she didn't know what was happening. They talked about who Lena is, a woman from the five hundreds that was cursed from minute one of her existence. But what if that's a lie? What if Lena is lying about who she is? She might be the Vampire Queen but what if she isn't the person she lets Kara see... with these nerve racking thoughts she falls asleep. 

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