Chapter 7 // The Meeting

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Kara was right, Sam wanted to join them. They are all waiting for Alex to come to Kara's apartment. Lena and Kara together cuddling on the couch and Sam sitting on the ground doing something on her phone. Yup, Sam has a phone. Kara has no idea why, but hey. Technology is cool. 

For Kara it feels good like this, Lena's arms around her keeping her close. Maybe this whole idea isn't that bad. Maybe Lena truly loves her from the moment she came to earth. There is a knock on the door and Sam stands up. Since both Lena and Kara are way too comfy. When Sam opens the door she sees Alex on the other side. A huge grins spreads across her face, Alex who holds foods in her hands just looks confused. Not knowing what to do. 

Sam quickly opens the door more for Alex to walk in and says "Alex, right?" Alex nods, her eyes never leaving Sam's "And you are?" "Samantha Arias, but you can just call me Sam. It's nice to finally meet you. Your sister wouldn't stop talking about you, it's a lovely relationship you two have." Alex chuckles and for the first time looks at Kara and Lena who now are standing. Kara has this nervous look and Lena just looks unimpressed by Alex' presence. 

Alex places the food down on the breakfast bar, when she finally does so she points to Lena and says "I assume you are the girlfriend?" Lena smirks this deviously and says with her Irish accent very much present "Yes, yes I am." She holds out her hand and Alex accepts it. They have this I have more power than you handshake with squeezing each other's hand. Lena says a bit emotionless while they do that handshake "Lena Luthor, nice to meet you."

"So you are a Luthor?" Lena only hums and their hands part. "I am a distant family member of Lex and Lillian." Alex sits down in one of the chairs and says "So you have Luthor genes, so not trustworthy. That's... bad." Kara, Lena and Sam sit down at their previous places again. Alex just glances from Lena to Kara. Kara's left hand isn't visible for Alex so she is safe, for now. 

"So how did you two meet?" Of course that is the first question she asks. Kara grows red and luckily for her Lena speaks up "I met Kara some months ago, she was at this cafe waiting in line and she just looked this perfect so I had to ask her out. The next day we went to dinner and we have been together forever since." Kara slowly nods along with the story. It small but sweet. "Kara has been able to keep this a secret from me for so long? How is that even possible?"

Kara chuckles nervously and fixes her glasses with her left hand "I have no idea how I did tha-" Alex mouth slowly falls open when Kara fixes her glasses. She asks in this weird shocked tone "Kara, what's that on your hand?" Kara quickly turns to Lena who takes the lead again "That's an engagement ring. I asked her to marry me and she said yes. I thought it was the way to go, since we were already together for quite some time." 

Alex just gapes and still has this confused look on her face which turns into an angry look a bit too fast. She stands up and points a warning finger to Kara and yells "Kara Danvers! How could you have kept this from me?!?" Kara looks at the ground when Alex is finished. Lena stands up and speaks up with this scary low tone "You don't speak to my fiancee like that. So I would love that you would just sit down and accept this. It was my request. Maybe she wasn't ready to tell you about what happened with Maggie. She even asked Sam to ask you on a date to make you happy. But since you are going to scream here about Kara and keeping secrets I don't think you deserved it." 

Alex glances at Sam after a while she reluctantly sits down and mumbles "Fine." She sighs in defeat. Kara just looks at Lena who is seated beside her again. She roughly grabs her and pulls her forward connecting their lips in a kiss that will leave Kara's lips bruised. But Kara didn't care. Lena was just so hot and cool. She stood up for her against her sister. That's just- wow. 

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