Chapter 6 // The Sister

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When Kara wakes up again she is pressed against a body. It takes her a couple seconds to realise who it is. But when she does she hastily moves away. She meets Lena's eyes, apparently she was awake. So no sleep for Lena? She nervously adverts her eyes but when Lena speaks up she looks back at Lena again. "I don't have a problem with cuddles darling. And I even like having somebody touch me. Most vampires don't, so please don't worry you are allowed to cuddle with me at night." Kara just groans and lays on her back. She stares at the ceiling and quietly says "I- I don't want to mess with your boundaries."

Lena chuckles which startles Kara a bit but she regains herself quite fast "Love, when it comes to you I won't have boundaries. You are just perfect. So I know that you will know when enough is enough." Kara hesitantly agrees but does agree in the end. Lena is right boundaries don't matter since they need to trust each other. 

Well, Kara needs to 'trust' her, it's more like she needs Lena to believe that she trusts her. "So, I heard you hated some of my boyfriends. Which one was the worst?" Lena thinks for some time but grins when she says"Mon-El. Absolutely him. He was just an man child. He just used you, it's like he was this storm that blocked your sunshine for the world." Kara chuckles "So you were happy when it was over?" A hum from Lena confirms her thoughts, her relationship with Mon-El ended a couple days ago but Lena already knew the news. She turns so she faces Lena and says "And you don't like James, so that relationship was also bad." 

Lena looks at her with this... she doesn't know what it is. Her eyes sparkle and she has this smile plastered on her face. "Yes, that one was also bad. I didn't like him from second one. But that doesn't mean you need to hate him. Just look out with what you say or do around him." Kara takes the advice in consideration. Suddenly her phone rings, from the ringtone she knows it is Alex. So she quickly grabs it from the nightstand and answers "Kara Danvers." "Kara! Where are you? I have been worried sick." Kara chuckles and says "I am at my girlfriend's.I stayed here the night. Sorry about not mentioning where I was." She hears Alex let out a relieved sigh, because Kara forgot about Sister night yesterday. "Girlfriend? Why didn't I know about that?" Kara stays silent for a moment and Lena motions her to continue "I- We didn't want to go public yet. Her last name isn't the best, so we just wanted to be together without those worries. And I might have been a little, just a tiny bit scared to tell you?" She ends a bit unsure, not knowing if her answer is right she nervously waits for Alex to react "Invite her tonight.

Kara thinks for a second and for some reason her mind thinks about Sam, why not, right? "Alex is it okay that I also invite a friend of her over? She wants to meet you." "Sure? Your place? At 7?" Kara quickly agrees and they say their goodbyes before they hung up. Suddenly Lena says "Girlfriend, huh? No fiancee yet?" Kara says "Nope" popping the 'p' "That is a little too fast. But I will wear my ring, so if she sees it she will know it." Lena just nods and stands up, she walks to the door and says "I am going to get you breakfast, be back in a minute."

And Lena is truly back in a minute, Kara has no idea how she has done it. But within a minute she has breakfast. And quite some: Eggs, bacon, toast and even pancakes. She slowly devours her breakfast until nothing is left. Just like last time Lena has a mug and now Kara doesn't need to smell to know what it is, because just like before it is that red thick liquid. Yes, she is going to refer it as thick red liquid to make it sound better.

But today they are going to meet her sister. And even invite Sam, who probably will join since from the looks of it she has just like Lena no life. And she was interested in Alex, so why not? Alex needs to get out there since it didn't work out with that detective. (Sanvers never happened)

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