Chapter 14 // Endless Darkness

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Lena just continues like she doesn't care. "-As some of you have already heard is that my family member Lex Luthor escaped prison. Because of this I need your assistance. Your aid in this coming battle. We need to fight Lex. Hunt Lex. Kill Lex. From this day forward Lex is wanted. He must be brought to me when found. But you can hurt him however you want. When found you will be rewarded. Good luck." The room slowly empties. Some vampires stay, and that doesn't go unnoticed by Lena. 

Suddenly Lena roughly grabs Kara and speeds them to their room. She pushes Kara on the bed and it's like she suddenly catches up so she apologises quickly "I am sorry! I- It wasn't my meaning to do this. But they just looked at you- and this is way easier than killing them. I know how much you hate killing." Kara groans but agrees with Lena's idea. She was right, if Lena protecting her is important than so be it. Lena sits on the side of the bed

Kara hugs Lena from behind who leans into the touch. Kara whispers at Lena's ear "Lena, I need you to ask you something. Did you see the air outside?" Lena hums as conformation "So we both know the weather is truly an evil mastermind since it's decided that today, of all days. It needed to create thunder?" Another hum. "Good, now we only have to find Lex and make sure that this gets fixed." Lena suddenly turns and kisses Kara on the lips. 

The door creaks open. Kara and Lena turn around. And there he is, in full glory. "Lex" breaths Lena out. Even though Lena doesn't need to breathe. She quickly stands up and stands in front of Kara, protectively. Lena's demeanour changes from this relaxed something to ready for an attack. "Hello, family member." She says with hatred in her voice. He just steps inside and eyes Kara. So Lena quickly moves that she is directly between Kara and Lex "What do you want Lex?"

He points his finger to the bed and says in this predatory low voice "Her." Lena chuckles, yes actually chuckles. "I see you have met my fiancee. Lovely soulmate, isn't she? She has the looks, the smell," She lowers her voice even more "The blood." Lex' eyes grow even more and he hisses. It actually sounds like 'mine'. Lena chuckles again and shakes her head. "No, no, no. She is mine. And will always be mine," She slowly hisses and clearly shows her fangs. "I gave a warrant out for you today. They had to keep you alive until the end. So if I were you I would flee. And fast." 

But Lex doesn't do that. No, no. He rushes forward but gets pinned by Lena against the now closed door. Lena quickly holds him still and says "Kara, turn around. Now." And Kara does as told. Slowly but surely she hears Lex screaming, no. Crying in pain. It's disgusting to hear. So she quickly covers her ears but she sound doesn't go away. Suddenly there is silence, so she dares to look around. What she sees... it's Lex his head in Lena's hands. He has been decapitated. 

And the inevitable happens, Kara actually throws up. She has no idea how it is possible but her stomach gets emptied. Lena quickly lets she head fall on the ground and returns by Kara's side. Holding her hair up. When Kara finally finished Lena whispered "Go clean yourself up, I will have Sam stationed outside. I have to take care of Lex." And with that she was gone again and so is the body. Kara quickly makes her way to the bathroom where she brushes her teeth and showers.

A couple minutes later the door opens. Suddenly she feels arms around her in the shower, with a husky voice Lena whispers in Kara's ear "Hello love, I am sorry about that. But you look perfect." Kara chuckles but is still a bit shaken up. Lena nibbles on her ear making her shudder and later moan. And with that things go a bit 'south'.

That evening when Kara was absolutely exhausted she got why the world chose them together. It might not be love on her side yet. But it definitely will, maybe even in a couple days. Because Lena is just perfect. There isn't a better word for it, since Lena is just everything she needs. She cares but knows Kara won't like to be locked up. And she will try everything to be the best for Lena. Because she deserves the world.

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