Chapter 8 // The Move

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That evening Lena and Kara went back to the castle. Sam stayed with Alex to get to know each other, something Alex quickly agreed to when she talked a little bit to that woman. When they finally were outside Lena literally swept her of her feet and run as fast as she could to the castle. Once inside their bedroom Lena gently places her down on the bed. 

Kara sighs and looks at the ceiling again "That was quite the evening," Lena hums in response and lays down beside her. "Also, that was hot. Like extremely hot." Lena turns towards her as Kara does the same. Lena raises an eyebrow and asks "How hot? This hot?" And with that their lips reconnect again. The fight for power is almost instant, one thing is sure Lena's lipstick, a bright red, is dominant. Slowly but surely Lena grows more dominant in the kiss. She moves so she is straddling Kara who only moans in response.

Lena chuckles and breaks the kiss. Kara whines a tiny bit but that is slowly replaced by the lack of air. So she tries to get her breathing under control. But fails miserably seeing how beautiful the woman above her is. Lena knows she needs to do something so she moves away, giving Kara the chance to regain herself. When Kara finally is calmed down she chuckles "You literally took the air out of me." Lena and Kara burst out laughing since it is such a lame thing to say, but still the truth. 

Lena slowly moves a finger along Kara's jaw and says "I'm happy to really have you in my life now. I hurt me a little to see Alex react that way." Kara groans and faces Lena "You are absolutely right, it hurts. But she accepted it in the end, so that's better than nothing," Kara sighs "She just needs to readjust. It will take some time for her to truly accept us but she will come around."

Lena huffs irritated and says "That doesn't change that she needed to act decent, and not like this. She just- I hate it." Kara just chuckles and says "Darling, I get it. You want the best for us. But Alex is a part of my life. We just need to wait and all will be good." Kara says the last part a bit unsure, not knowing if it truly will be good.

It stays silent for a second before Kara speaks up "How much power do you even have?"Lena chuckles and says "Quite some, I am the only vampire that can be killed by one hand only and that are yours. And I rule over all the vampires, they all need to listen to me. And when they don't they will be killed just like," Lena snaps with her fingers "that. When you are going to live here full time and help me you are going to see quite some executions. Know that I will be sorry if you ever truly see one. I know that you hate death." Kara closes her eyes for a second to think about what Lena just said. She said something about executions and death? Full time living here? Why? 

Well, that's something you do when you get married but for Kara it feels so far away. Is now the time for the first move? Yes? Absolutely. Better fast than slow. Kara opens her eyes again to meet Lena's "Lena, could you also make every vampire change their diet if you wanted that?" Lena hums in conformation "So you could make sure they have all the same diet as you?" Lena hums again. "Why didn't you do it? That would make your life way easier." It's like Lena's eyes are under a spell because of Kara's. The only thing Lena can do is look at her with this lust filled look. 

Lena speaks up, her voice a bit lower than before "If I would do that the chance of bad people becoming vampires would be incredibly high. And bad people with power always means something catastrophic is about to happen. So darling, even when I wanted that I couldn't. It isn't good for both humanity or the vampire population. It would be a mess and many would die." Kara quickly agrees, because Lena is right. 

Suddenly Lena's demeanour changes again, out of no nowhere she hovers above Kara with these blown up pupils. Kara knows what that means... lust. And it doesn't take long for Lena to attack her, or better said capture her lips. Slowly but surely everything turns a bit more heated. At the of their little exploration they lie next to each other, Kara asleep and Lena holding her. Naked.

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