Chapter 1:The hooded Man

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You were walking down the dark alleyway, a shortcut that allowed you to get to the grocery store in under 5 minutes. This placed was shady, but your dad had considered you worthy of self-defense and lets you go out on your own. In your pocket, you had 3 things. Your phone, your money and your Chapstick. These were the items you always carried. A scarred hand grips your wrist and pulls you into a corner "Stay still and give me everything you have. "the gruesome voice demanded. You could feel it. The monster. It was coming out. You feel an incredible amount of strength overwhelm you. The man drops your wrist, backing away. But what was done was done. You lunged at him and tackles him to the ground, punching his face until it was black and blue. From the distance you could see an eerie hooded man walking towards you. The sheer thought of it being another assaulter makes you run off, to the grocery market. Once you finished shopping you took great care in avoiding anyone who eyed you. You arrive home. It was a 5-story castle-like mansion. You plop down on the sofa. "Y/N... I have news for you." A voice says. You open your eyes and see your mother. "You have to go to a school far away from here. It is called U.A and it is for heroes in the making." Your mother sits down at your feet. "I know, it will be hard leaving your friend alone, but it's for your sake. Your father and I met there." You shake your head "I do not have friend's mom, but I don't want to leave this town. Do we have to go?" you complain. Your mother gets up and extends her hand towards you. You take her hand and get up. "Go and pack." You nod and go upstairs into your room.You arrive at your room and look around. It was well furnished, and since your father is filthy rich, he only buys you designer clothes and expensive things. Despite all that, you were not spoiled. When you leave town, you might have a little bit of freedom in your choice of clothing. The window was open, giving you a nice cool breeze to help comfort you. You open your biggest suitcase and pack your necessities. You yawn and go to bed soon after you finish. You wake up to your familiar sound of the alarm clock. You turn it off and get up, brushing your teeth. Once you are done, you dress in a pair of jeans and a designer shirt. It was the most casual outfit you could wear without looking extremely rich. You drag your suitcase downstairs and tells your mom that you are ready. You get started on your breakfast. 5 minutes later, a limo arrives at your door. You wave your mother goodbye while the driver puts your suitcase in the back. Of course, you felt awkward about going by a limo as you watched other students gawking at you. You tried to avoid eye contact as you told the driver to put your belongings in your apartment. When you walk to the school, you catch a brown-haired girl glaring enviously at you. You shrug it off and walk to your assigned class, 1A. Since you were recommended, you were automatically put in that class. You look back towards the entrance and to your relief, you see another limousine arrive, revealing a girl who walked confidently towards the school. "At least I'm not the only rich one here..." you think. You go to your classroom and sit down. There was another boy sitting down next to you. His hair was quite weird. Half white and half red. The boy glanced at you and began to nervously say something. "We're in the same situation huh? Both of our parents famous, forced to go to this school?" you nod "You're probably Endeavors son, right?" He sighs and says "Yes, and I assume your Shifters daughter. I've seen you on- "he is interrupted by an ash haired blond slamming the door. He stalks down the desks while mumbling "Stupid Deku, how did he get in!" His attention gathers to you two "Oh great the two rich kids are here." You begin to get angry. "Who are you calling rich kid?" "You two, there's no one else here, dumbass! "he screams in your face, taking hold of the collar of your shirt. You felt your monster taking control. "Please, stop right now or you'll regret it!" you snort at him "It's not the time to be getting in a fight now anyway." He stares into your eyes, E/C to Crimson red. He decides to settle with pushing you to the wall. You feel your anger getting ahold of you. To you it felt like you were burning red, but to others, it looked like you were having a mental breakdown. Your legs crumpled up and your eyes got red and your face twitched with pain. The ash haired blonde's eyes widened. "I didn't push you that hard!" he complains. An orb of dark red escapes your mouth. It slowly transforms into a red-skinned human with horns. The creature lunges at the dark-haired boy, grabbing his collar. The monster whispers into his ear. "Don't touch her. I will let you go this time, just because she does not want to hurt you. In the future, do not mess with her. Or else..." he slides his fingers across his throat. Once you wake up, you rush over to the boy. "Are you okay? Did brother hurt you? What did he do?" you stop when he gently pushes you away. "It's okay..." he says. He is obviously bothered. It seemed like he was holding in something. You worried for him, nonetheless. You stop when you see a green haired boy scribbling madly. "Monster... red skinned... horns... strong and intimidating..." you hear him mumble. The ash haired blond-haired person gets a tick. He stomps towards the boy, who greets him with a smile. "Oh, hello Kacchan!" "YOU SAID THAT YOU WERE QUIRKLESS!" he roars. You step in. "Quirks can develop at a certain age." You conclude. He seems to control himself and goes back to his seat, giving the green haired boy a glare. The poor boy walks up to you and says, "Thank you for getting me out of that one." You smile. "No problem. My name is Y/N L/N. yours?" "THE DAUGHTER OF THE FAMOUS SHIFTER?" he jumps up and down. Whoever this boy was, he loved heroes. "My name is Izuku Midoriya. That boy's name is Katsuki Bakugou. He calls me Deku." You slump down on your seat as Midoriya leaves to introduce himself to others.

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