Oneshot: Reminiscing

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"Jase, you ok?" Piper asks, lightly tapping the son of Jupiter.

"Yeah Pipes! I'm fine, I just dozed off for a minute," Jason replies smiling at the child of Aphrodite.

"Ok, just making sure," Piper says as she turns her attention back to the lake in front of them.

"It's peaceful, isn't it. No battles, camp's quiet, our friends aren't stalking us," Jason says, laughing at the last part.

"They're not that bad," Piper says, shaking her head and smiling.

"Percy and Annabeth have made it a challenge now to see who can catch us doing something cuter," Jason replies, remembering their friends, whom they caught stalking the couple in a bush two days ago.

"They only started doing that because we kept pushing them together every time they were in the same room," Piper says, laughing at the memory of them in archery when Piper ran up and pushed Annabeth straight into Percy causing them to kiss.

"Hey, that was retaliation for the day when we were in the Big House and they pushed us in the storage closet and locked it," Jason laughs, thinking back about how they kept banging on the door until Chiron opened it for them.

"Who even started this war in the first place?" Piper asks, laying her head in his lap, allowing Jason to mess with her hair which he promptly does.

"Nico, when he kept stalking Frank and Hazel, so they locked him in the Hades cabin with Will," Jason smiles, remembering how he was the one who held the door back when Will was thrown in there with Nico.

"I remember that," Piper says through laughs making a bigger smile appear on Jason's face. "You know I hate those two sometimes especially because they could be stalking us right now underwater." Jason groans out in annoyance and Piper starts laughing harder at Jason's annoyed face.

"They're so lovable though. I just can't hate them!" Jason exclaims, causing the girl in his lap to laugh harder. "It's not funny, Pipes," Jason groans as Piper calms herself.

"You're adorable and so funny when you get annoyed, though," Piper says, smirking and sitting up. She puts her hand on Jason's shoulder.

"I'm not adorable," Jason pouts, causing Piper to bite her lip so she wouldn't laugh at the boy.

"It's ok, Jase, everyone is in denial about something, and yours is about how cute you are," Piper says, ruffling his hair. Jason just shakes his head trying to hold back a smile. "Fine ignore me. I'll just go get photos of Nico and Will and won't show you," Piper smirks, getting up and leaving a shocked Jason.

Jason hurries up and tackles Piper tickling her sides causing her to laugh. "J-Jason stop!" Piper exclaims through her laughs.

"Okay, Pipes. Sorry." Jason gets off of her and offers his hand to help her up. She takes his hand and pulls herself up, allowing Jason to pull her into his chest.

"You're an idiot, Jason," Piper says, smiling up at him.

"Yeah, but I'm your idiot," Jason replies, kissing her.

Little did the two know Percy and Annabeth had been watching the whole thing and took a video of the whole conversation.

"We're showing this at their wedding, right?" Percy whispers to Annabeth.

"Of course, Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth smiles, stopping the video. Percy holds up his camera and takes one last photo before they both walk away, laughing.

By Gruvia2006

Edited by ImadaughterofHades

PJO Magazine Edition #5: April 2019Where stories live. Discover now