New life

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Before you read this chapter I should say that there are some spoilers like Hawks and his real name which Keigo Takami.


Touya leads his brother to an abandoned warehouse far from where they once lived. It took them hours for them to get their daylight was just starting to show. With a groan, Touya opened the door and then turned to Shouto.

"Stay here and wait until say it's safe for you to come in," Touya told his brother. Shouto nodded in response.

Touya carefully entered the building and looked around at the dusty interior. It looked just how he and Keigo left it. When the news about how a Shouto is dead Keigo would be crushed. He was starting to think that he should have told him about all of this, Keigo was his best friend after all. He was starting to get lost in his thoughts when he remembered that his little brother was still outside.

"It's safe for you to enter!" Touya called to his brother and abandoned the warehouse to make the sound echo.

Shouto peaked around the door and made his way towards his brother.
"Touya why did we go here?"

"Cuz we're far away from the house and safe here." He put down the two backpacks that he had carried and took the one on his back off.

"But what if Fuyumi or Natsuo that come to look for us?" Shouto said looking at his brother with one useable eye.

"Then I'll have to convince them not to tell Dad where we are and send them back home," Touya told his little brother unsure of how his words would make him feel.

Shouto pouted. "Why would you send them home if they came all the way to see us!"

"Well, I have to do that because bad things could happen," Touya answered.

"Like what?" His little brother was peering into his soul with his gray eye.

Touya thought about everything that their dad would to him for pulling  something like this and what he would do to Shouto for coming with him."Like dad getting a hold of me and you again."

His little brother's mouth formed an "o" and things fell into silence. Then Shouto started to explore the warehouse. He was careful not to wander off too far off so his brother could see him.

Now that his brother was exploring Touya was left to his thoughts. He wondered if Fuyumi and Natsuo got out of the house in time. Would his father start to train Fuyumi now that he and Shouto were gone? She did have a strong ice quirk. Or would he use Natsuo? Everyone in their family knew that his fire would burn him alive the moment he overused it. Would he ever see him or his other siblings again?

Then there was his partner in crime, Keigo. He's been his friend for God knows how long. It was Keigo who taught me how to have some fun and let loose. Which he could only do around him because his Father would be having none of that shit in his house. They've done a lot of things together. Maybe he should have told him about the warehouse thing, plus he missed him already.

Touya's thoughts were giving him thoughts about his friend that he should never think about. It wasn't like he hasn't about how soft Keigo's lips looked, but these thoughts were bad ones. He needed some to do to take his mind elsewhere.

"Sho come here."

His little brother walked over to him without saying a word.

"Sit down I'm going to dye your hair," Touya instructed.

"What color?" Shouto asked while he sat down on his brother's lap.

Ruffling through one of the backpacks he pulled out boxes of hair dye. "I got red, white, and pink."

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