The truth revealed

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Izuku took a deep breath. "Are you Shouto Todoroki?"

Shouto's eyes went wide with shock.

This was bad this was very very bad. Shouto was couldn't believe what he heard. If Izuku knew about this and decided to tell anyone this would be bad. Even if people didn't believe him it most likely would start some type of rumors.

There has to be a way to talk him out of it or least get him to keep it a secret. So he had a couple of ways he can play this. All his needs are one of those outcomes. He just needed to make an opening for himself.

He was taking too long to reply to Izuku because he asked the question again.

Gathering his confidence he finally answered. "I don't know what you're talking about Izuku."

"Well, I just got a quirk, and it -"

Shouto's eyes were wide with shock and surprise. "You got a quirk!?" He also hoped that this would change the subject.

Izuku nodded. "Yeah, it's a recent development."

Shouto smiled. "That means you can prove Bakugo wrong and become a hero just like you wanted to!"

"Yeah, I can be a great hero just like All Might!"

"And I'll be your biggest fan."

Izuku moved closer to him the excitement in his eyes was clear to see. "That would be awesome! But you could always work with me."

"We talked about this Izuku, I don't want to be a hero." A short pause. "I would rather watch you become the best hero you can be."

"Is because you don't want to be caught?"

"I don't know what you're  talking about?" Shouto was started to get nervous.

"You've been trying to change the subject which is just making me more suspicious. Just be honest with me."

He was going to respond but Izuku said something else.

"This quirk I got gives me information on people or at least I think that's all it does."

"Well, it could be wrong information," Shouto suggested.

Izuku let out a puff of air. "It gave me your age and that was right."

"But you already know my age," Shouto retorted.

"I know that! That's why I believe that what my quirk is telling me is true!"

Shouto was going to protest against what Izuku was saying but Izuku had other ideas.

"If my quirk can you tell me about things I already know then it's able to tell me things that I don't know! It even said you're also known as Fuyu and Frost."

Shouto sat there baffled. If Izuku's quirk could tell him all of that. There was no way he was gonna get him to believe it fake or change the subject. And above everything never was going to let it go. He might as well just tell him.

"Alright, you got me Izuku. I'm Shouto Todoroki."

"See it wasn't so hard for you to tell me, was it?"

Shouto shook his head. "No, it wasn't."

Now Izuku had a look on his face and the face meant that he had questions and a lot of them. All Shouto could do was brace himself from the impact of all the questions.

"Is Touya dead? Or is he still alive?" Izuku asked.

"He is alive and well trusts me on that."

"So I'm guessing that Touya is Mamoru right?"

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