In which Touya takes Shouto and runs away.

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Training day after day, day in day out. The punches. The constant yelling to get up even though it hurt. And poor Shouto got the worse of it. He was only five years old he didn't deserve any of this. He didn't mean to born with the powers of fire and ice. He didn't mean for his left side to remind his mom of his dad.

Surely their mom tried to apologize, but Shouto cries of pain drowned it out. Everyone in the house came to see what happened. Fuyumi ran to Shouto and tried to comfort him. Natsuo ran to go get their dad. And Touya frantically looked around the kitchen for something to soothe youngest brother pain. But then had Enji busted into the room.

Little did that know that would be the last they see their mom for a long time.
Enji sent all of his kids to their rooms excluding little Shouto. It scared Touya that his little brother was left with that monster of a person. If he were to interfere with whatever his dad was going to do it be hell on Earth for him.

So he went to his room without saying a word. Touya sat on his bed and thought long and hard. He needed a plan to escape this hell he and his siblings have been through. Today had marked how much he could take. Touya had enough. He was sick a tried of his dad and how he was treating him and Shouto. It was his fault that his little brother got boiling water poured on his face.

Fuyumi and Natsuo were ignored by their father so they would be fine if anything happened to him and Shouto. Then a light bulb lit up in his head he would run away and take Shouto with him. The plan had its own risk but in the end, it would be worth it. If he could manage to get right.

Touya would first have to save up a decent amount of money for both of them. If he couldn't earn the money he would steal it from his dad. Then they would both have to pack things they need. He would have to help Shouto with that. Just to make sure his little brother didn't take more than he needed.

After that, he would have to take one extra bag with food and some bottled water. Now he needed a place where they would hide. That place had to far from the house. Many ideas came to mind but none of the spots seemed they would work out. Then he remembered the warehouse that he found when he was sneaking to hang out with

It was a good distance from the house and was untouched if he did count the fact he and Keigo found it. It had plants growing all over and it was hard for him and Keigo to even find a way to get in it without hurting themselves or damaging the warehouse. But then again they had got the door to work before the went home. So it would be easy for Shouto to get in.

Now he only had one problem left and it was how he would keep people from looking for them. He was thinking about how he would make them just disappear but he heard his father's voice booming.

"Touya, Fuyumi, and Natsuo get your asses over here right now!"

Touya slid off his bed and headed to he heard his Fathers voice. While he was walking he saw Fuyumi and hurried to catch up to her.

"Meet me in my room when this is done." He whispered to her.

"Why?" She whispered back.

"Just come, trust me." He answered.

They both turn the corner to see a very mad Enji and a frightened Natsuo was already sitting on the floor. Enji was seated on the couch and he didn't have to say a word for the two of them know to sit down next to their brother and to stay quiet until instructed otherwise.

Enji took a deep breath before speaking. "All of you will go to school tomorrow and no one is allowed to talk about what happened today."

In sync, all of the kids nod their heads.

"Good, because if you do your ass is mine. You are all dismissed." Enji told them.

The kids got up and left. Touya went to his room. He sat down on his bed and wondered if Fuyumi would even come. She was the only person he could really tell his plan to. Plus, she was his twin and he couldn't just disappear without telling her it didn't feel right to him.

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