The undeniable truth

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Hey, guys I know it's been a while since I last updated but I have something important to tell everyone who reads this story I've made. I've decided to completely quit it. It's mainly because I stopped liking My Hero Academia and generally have a lot of bad experiences with the fandom and the fandom just toxic in general.

In this time I taking a break from this book I found animes and games in that I've generally fallen in love with and with fandoms that are very loving and kind. I also just don't use Wattpad that much anymore. I've been using AO3 for while now and it's much better than here. No offense to Wattpad of course.

The only thing I use this for is to keep the drafts of other works I've been working on. And one thing above all these reasons is that I've matured and grown up from the little 6th grader who started the story!

Now that I'm a freshman I've had more time to reflect on myself and how I want to write and what I want to write even if it is just more fanfiction!

If I do is walk out again it's going to post my original story driving working hard on drafting in my notebooks. And soon enough I might start drafting it here on Wattpad.

If anyone does want to continue the story you can contact my Discord and I can hand it over to you. (Yuribird#0447) but you might have to DM me on Wattpad so I could see that you friended me! Regarding the Discord thing if anyone else plays Genshin impact and wants someone else to play with I'll be glad to help anybody!

I'm so sorry all had to end up like this but all good things have to come to an end and I believe you all deserve to know why I'm no longer updating the story beyond this. I hope you all understand and can forgive me for this decision. Thank you for being with me throughout this long ride I appreciate you all.

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