Broken Chapter 18

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~~~~~~~~BRENNAN POV~~~~~~~

So yeah, here we are again, I guess. About to get killed. Not much going on. I guess. The killer approaches us, his hands raised up to about our neck level.

"Oooh this is gonna feel great." The killer says coming closer towards us. But before he can reach us, I hear a clattering sound from behind me.

"Here boss. I found the bullets for it back in the Cadillac." A girls voice says.

"Thank you. Now I can do this my way. Come out, let them see you." The killer says.

A figure emerges from the dark and I can barely see who it is until something clicks in my head. I see the dark, long hair. The pink dress. The pink lips. It's Christina.

She smirks at us, and then speaks, obviously trying to hold down laughter. "Well guys, you played right into my, excuse me, our hands. I knew what you were gonna do before you did it. I was part of the 'Fighting Six'. Now I'm a part of the 'Killer Two'. And it's gonna be gruesome. "

They approach us, with a newly loaded gun. They aim not at me, not at Olivia, but at Michaela. Who is directly to my right. They pull out a normal shotgun and aim not for her face or chest but for her leg. My heart is bound to beat right out of my chest. Anyone but her, not Michaela please not my baby. Please. But it seems that they don't hear my silent plea and they take aim and pull the trigger. I scream.

~~~~~~~MICHAELA POV~~~~~~~

I felt pain like pain has never been felt before. It seared through my whole body, blinding me. I let out a scream and collapsed backward, falling into Brennan's arms. He drags me over to a corner of the room and we sit there in the light, and he's patting my back and holding me close. I feel safe, curled up there with my head on his chest. I feel loved. We are perfect together and I love him with all my heart. My hand instantly goes to my mouth and I'm worried. What if the gunshot affected something?

"Brennan, I have to tell you something. I know this may not be a good time but-"

He interrupts me "Don't break up with me again please I love you."

"I'm sorry but I can't do this. It's over. We're broken up. I love you to much to do this. "

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