Broken Chapter 19

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~~~~~~~~~~OLIVIA POV~~~~~~~

The gunshot was loud. Deafening. I dropped to the floor and was cowering under a table. Brennan has dragged Michaela off somewhere and I'm not sure who was shot. I hope they were ok. My heart was still hurting and my head throbbed. I couldn't believe that Christina would do that, betray us like that. But now I have no time to think about my actions, only time to do them. When Jarred shot the gun, he shot two bullets, one hitting someone and the other hitting plaster in the wall. The second one had blown up, creating a small fire in the room. There was no escape because the wall had fallen in. We'd trapped the criminal. We'd trapped ourselves. I began coughing because of the smoke and I couldn't see over the blackness any longer. I needed to make my way to Brennan and Michaela all the meanwhile avoiding Jarred and Christina. This was a small space we were trapped in. The killers were bound to find us sooner or later.

I heard my name, rushed and whispered, coming from the other side of the fallen wall. I crawled over to a hole in the wall and I saw it was un smoky over there. I saw Michaela talking to Brennan and they were both looking at me. I did not see the killers. So that must mean they were somewhere in here with me. Somewhere in the darkness waiting to kill. Waiting to hurt me. The smoke overtook my eyes once again as two pairs of hands grabbed me back into the darkness. The last thing I saw was the terrorized look of fear on Michaela and Brennan's faces as I was dragged half screaming into the void.

~~~~~~~~~~~MICHAELA POV~~~

I was in so much pain and felt really betrayed and also really awkward. So, first off, Christina helped Jarred shoot me in the leg. And it burned. For a little, I stuck my fingers in there and tried to get the bullet out. But it was too deep. Plus, it felt weird and it burned even more. Then, I had to break up with Brennan because I can't do this. If I die he will have lost me. Or vice versa. It's better to do this now that we are both still alive.

When the shots went off, one hit my leg, the other hit the wall, causing a small, yet effective, explosion. I whispered Olivia's name until she heard it, and appeared on the other side of the wall. The killers were somewhere in here. Either over there or over here. The smoke seemed to be confined mostly to that side of the room because it was still bright over here but I was beginning to cough and feel achy. As we saw Olivia, we also saw two pairs of hands grab her. That meant that the killers had her. That meant that there was still no escape. We were gonna die.

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