Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


so once settled into my new flat it fastly becomes a hang out for my mates, on the weekend we usually start off at my place getting ready music playing and wine flowing usually a couple of bottles before we hit the pubs and the weekend finally begins. It usually consists of pubs, clubs, drink, drugs and men this is the patten of my life work and weekends.

I spend my first chrismas day without mum alone in my flat ive not been invited anywhere for the christmas day, so much for familys ey.. But to be honest this really didn't surprise me as i don't have the greatest relationship with my sister and at the time i was not on talking terms with my brother. I think he resented the fact that i moved out of the family home. I spent the boxing day at my aunty judy's house and we had a great time chatting about mum and old times i was greatful for that year.

After a while my friend introduced me to a fella called glyn he was a lodger at her mum's house as time went on glyn and i spent more and more time together and soon became an item.

we got on really well and and as time went on we moved in together, But unfortunatley it wasn't for long as glyn got arrested and ended up going to prison for motoring offenses. It was whilst he was in prison that i found out i was pregnant with my first child.

on glyns release from prison we end up moving house from a 1 bed flat into a 3 bed house just around the corner from where my friend lived and where glyn used to lodge. they were happy times for a while, until glyn started to get us into debt, he had a weed habbit and would often get it on whats called tick and pay his chap for it at a latter date. I went into hospital and gave birth to my first born child a son we decided to call him kieron, I had a difficult birth and was in labour for eleven hours and had to have an assisted delivery with forcepts as kieron got stuck in the birth canal. He was paralised down the left hand side of his body for the first few days of his life but i loved him with all my heart he was now my main prioity. I gave up the drink, drugs and fags when i first found out i was pregnant and would put my own life on the line for that of my son.

so on my release from hospital life went on but i was not happy i get home from the hospital to find that glyn has not been and paid the remaining balance off of the babys pram and that it is still in the shop. i find out later that he had lent the money to a friend because they were having money problems..when i confronted this friend about the owed money they refused to give me it back saying that glyn had recieved parking tickets on there car when he had borrowed it, needless to say i was fuming. it was a week later that i finally had the money to go and collect my babys pram i had to carry him all the way to the shop to collect it..i felt ashamed and embarressed that i was late in going to pay the remainding balance and collect it.

so life went on for a time we would get our money and glyn would owe most of it out for the weed he would of had on tick, we ended up arguing over it when i had a man come to my door demanding that i pay him for the weed that glyn had had but how could i when i had no money to pay him with. He said well in that case im going to take your tv as payment. me being bold as brass and not frightened at all stood up to him and said no you bloody well aint and thats my tv not glyns you are not takeing it i do not smoke the shit you peddle and if you dont leave i will phone the police. he left empty handed, glyn and i argued over it and i said he had to change his ways or i was leaveing. he promised to give up the weed and we decided to move and have a fresh start away from the area.

We moved about ten miles down the road to the next town and we ended up living on a caravan site within two weeks things were back to the way they had been people knocking on the door asking for money that glyn owed them for weed. It was at that moment i decided to leave i could make a better life for me and my son but where would i go.

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