Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Dean continued

Im in the police station and im a nervous whreck an officor come to see me and i explain all that has happened. Do you want to press charges they ask yes i say, are you sure they ask this will require going to court will you attend we dont want to waste our time persuing this if you end up getting back together and then ringing in to say you want to drop the charges. No i say i will see this through im done with this relationship i cant live like that anymore i deserve better and my children deserve better. ok they say they take brief details. we will need to catch up with him and arrest him they say do you have any idea where he will be. yes i do i reply he is at home sat in front of the tv playing the playstation before he goes to work but my front door is locked. here are my door keys if you want to go and arrest him now you can do but im not comeing with you to let you in you can take my door keys and let yourselves in i will wait here and thats exactley what the did. on the drive from the house to the police station dean was texting me the whole time threatening me all sorts. the arresting officor came to see me and return my door keys i showed him the text messages i had recieved, we will send officers round to take a full statement and take photos of your injurys as i fully understand it will be difficult to do it now with the babies present and that it will be easier for you if there at home in the comfort of the home i walk home get in and lock all my doors and windows and then draw all my curtains.

Im now on tender hooks knowing that dean will be fumeing and im just waiting for the shit to start. kieron arrives home from school and i lock all the doors again. we feel safe for the time being i get a phone call from the police explaining that dean has been bailed and has got to stay well away from me and the house. I call deans mum and explain all that has happened and she is totally disgusted with his behaviour i promise to take the twins to see her regardless to what has happened between myself and dean. she is greatfull and understands that most women would probably cut off all ties with the family. Then i call my aunty judy to explain what ive done and why i havn't been round she cant believe that ive actually done it. a couple of days later the police come to take my statement a give a long statement saying all that had happened and was told i will deffinatley have to go to court, i was told i was going to be allowcated a domstic violence advocate to assist me when i went to court because i felt very nervous and intimidated by dean. The police also wanted me to go into a womens refuge it was miles away from my home town and would mean totally up routing all the kids and interupting kierons education. I refused saying i wasn't the problem he was i wasn't going to be a victim.

That night the silent call started every five minutes or so to my housephone so i ended up unplugging it. I knew it was him, Then calls to my mobile and texts from an unknown number again i knew they were him so again i switched off my mobile phone.

next morning kieron goes to school as usual and i prepare myself to go out and get some shopping i stand outside my house preparing the pushchair ready for the twins and i catch site of dean hanging about down the bottom of the road looking towards my house he is spying on me. when i leave to go shopping i go in the opposite direction and take a different route into the town so as to avoid dean but it's not long until hes managed to find me in town and is walking along beside me harrasing me in the middle of the town in front of everyone. i feel small and ashamed and embarressed by his actions when i enter shops he thinks nothing of following me in and continuing the harrasment he follows me all the way home i manage to get inside and lock my doors. i ring the police to report whats happened and they say there is not much we can really do you need to contact a solicitor. so i contact a solicitor and make an appointment but it isn't for another two weeks. Kieron arrives home from school and i ask if he had seen dean hanging about that morning he hadn't.

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