Chapter 7

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chapter 7

a new home, a new start

My dad collects me and takes me to my new home along with all my belongings ive managed to accumulate since i resided at the hostel believe me it wasnt a lot.

Kieron and i now live in a two bedroomed bungalow that is plenty big enough for the two of us, I felt relieved once i set foot in the door like a weight had been lifted it was good to have a place to call home.

I unpacked our belongings and got settled our new life was about to begin, so life ran smoothly for a good few years no problems at all we joined a mother and baby session and made new friends there and kieron was a well liked member of the group all the old ladies who worked there loved him one lady in particular dulcie she nicknamed him the professor. whenever dulcie refered to kieron she always said the professor and everybody new exactley who she was refering to i was sad when it was time to leave and time for kieron to start school.

a regular visitor to us at the bungalow was a long time friend of mine jo she would often stay over on a weekend and we would have girly nights takeways wine and staying up late chatting about our younger days.

i get a phone call from my brother out of the blue one day he is in prison but due for release soon but was in need of a bail address he asked me if he could come and live with me as he had nobody else to turn to. I agreed because i know this is what my mother would of wanted and he was my brother after all we might not have spoken until that point but i still loved him for all his faults. so on his release from prison he came to stay with me. he kept himself out of trouble and rarely went out of the house.

one day jo suggests to me that i ask him if he would mind babysitting kieron if i went out he agreed so jo and i arranged to go out to a singles night at one of the local hotels. there was a disco and a bar and jo and i used to really make the most of our times there drinking and mingling most of the time and occassionaly danceing. we knew some other local people who also attended the singles nights and we always had a lot of fun and always came home very drunk.but they were fun times

out of the blue one day i recieve a phone call from glyn kiersons dad saying he wants to have access to kieron that he wants to see him. i agreed to this but said it had to be dealt with in the proper way and consulted a solicitor. kierons dad had on many occassions said that if he ever got access to kieron on his own he would do the off with him and i would never see him again, so for this reason i insisted to my solicitor that i was happy for kieron to see his father as i believed that a father son relationship was still important but i wanted it to be under supervised visits. it was arranged for kieron to see his father at the local contact centre twice i took kieron along to these sessions and twice keirons father did not turn up. eventually those in charge terminated these sessions and we didnt hear from kierons father until a number of years later.

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