Chapter 2: The Blue Door

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Two mutants stood in the middle of the room. Weapons in their hands, ready to attack. Glaring at each other, the female struck. Dodging quickly, the young boy with a bo-staff swung his weapon, trying to hit the girl. Unfortunately, Irrilia brought down her sword, slicing more than half of Ryan's weapon. Shocked, the mutant boy didn't react fast enough, before the girl kicked him. Ryan layed there on the floor, defeated." Yes! I win, time to pay" cheered a girl sitting on the sidelines, reaching out her hand for her younger brother to pay her. Luke and Gabby would always bet on who would win. Irrilia helped Ryan up to his feet." Nice match" she said." Nice match? That barley lasted 2 minutes" Luke called. Ryan growled in response, and stalked out of the dojo. Almost crushing into his uncle Mikey, Ryan made his way to his room, followed by a worried Gabby." Let me guess, he lost" Mikey said, crossing his arms. Irrilia and Luke both gave a silent, small nod." I just don't get it, Irrilia is the youngest, why does she always beat him." Mikey shrugged his shoulders, and went to the kitchen. Irrilia and Luke followed.

Ryan's PoV

I just don't get it. I had three more years of training then Irrilia, how did she always beat me." Ryan come on, Luke was just messing with ya" Gabby pleaded. Why does she always follow me? Every time Ryan would get mad, Gabby would try to cheer him up, and it usually worked." Leave me alone Gabby." Gabby increased her speed, and grabbed Ryan's arm." You can't be alone. We leave in the same freaking place" she snapped. Why did she always care about how I felt, it's none of her business." The only reason Irrilia beat you, is because her father is uncle Raph" she lied. Though it was true, before Irrilia was born, I myself trained with Raph, just them two." We were all trained by Raph at one point" I simply say. Gabby opened her mouth, but them closed it again, knowing that she couldn't argue with that. It was true." Oh look, the Blue Door." I turned my head to see that we were standing in front of the Blue Door, at least that's what we called it. No one was allowed to go in there, under ANY circumstances.  We I was younger, I would always try to go inside, but always failed." Should know"Gabby asked. I knew that she really badly wanted to find out what's in there, heck I was dying to go in there, but we could get caught."I don't know.." I started to say, but when I looked at Gabby, she was giving her world famous puppy-dog eyes. No one could resist. I bit my lips. Gabby's eyes grew wilder." Fine" I gave in. My hand reached for the door knob.Am I really doing this, what am I thinking. That didn't stop me from resting my hand on it. Gabby's eyes widen in shock, I was tactfully touching it. I turned the knob, and pushed the door slightly open. Gabby held my other hand, as we entered the room. I closed the door behind me. It was dark, I couldn't see anything. Suddenly a light appeared in the room, startling me. Facing the light, I saw that Gabby had found a candle, and some how lit it. I didn't question her." What is this place?"

Gabby' PoV

I set the candle down on a shelf, and look around. There are pictures on the walls, a shelf full of books and a desk. Suddenly I tripped. I felt my leg get tangled in something, and as try to pull it out it wouldn't budge. I start to panic." Ryan, my leg is stuck" I cry. As I pull harder, Ryan bends down to see what it is." Calm down" he says. I can't. I feel my leg come free, and I scoot back. Bumping into a shelf, a book falls out and lands beside me." What is that" I asked seeing Ryan holding something." Don't worry, it's just a sheath." ( If you don't know what a sheath is, a sheath is a cover for the blade of a knife or sword). I sigh in relief. That's when I saw the book next to me. I grabbed it, and took a look at the title, Japanese martial arts. Weird, I have this same book. As I place the book in it's rightful spot, I started to read the titles from the other book. Tales From Japan, Japanese History, Japanese Weapons, yikes, whoever owed these books, must have loved Japan. I noticed that some of the things on the shelf weren't books. There were a few photos, some action figures, and some journals. I look over my shoulder to see what Ryan's doing. He had lit a candle, and was looking at the photos on the wall. I grab a journal that was just sitting there, and flip to the first page. Property of Leonardo Hamato, was written on it, with a signature. It was a sword. I've this signature before. In the dojo, there were a pair of Ninjatōs that no one used, and on the handle was this same signature.( I always got confused and said the Leo had katanas, guess I was wrong)." Hey, Gab, check this out" Ryan called pointing at a picture. I walked over to him, the journal still in my hand, and took a look. It was a photo of my family. In the back left corner was Grandpa Splinter, who sadly died when I was six. Next to him, was my uncle Raph. He looked so...young. Then next to Raph was uncle Donnie." Look" I said pointing to the purple masked turtle." It's your dad." Ryan stared at it." His's so young, and happy" he whispered. Uncle Donnie was usually in his lab, doing some invention, and he rarely smiled. Only when Aunt April kissed him or something. In front of Donnie was my father. His was laughing, and he looked younger than the others. I smiled at the sight of my father, acting like a child." Who's that" Ryan asked snapping me out of my thoughts and pointing to the last person in the picture. It was another mutant standing in front of Splinter. He wore a blue mask, and had swords on his back." You know what?" Ryan stared at me." I bet this room belonged to that turtle" I said. We both stayed silent, until we heard my dad scream " DINNER'S READY." Ryan quickly blew out the candles, while I threw the journal on top of the bed. As I opened the door to check if anyone was in the hall, I saw Ryan grab the family photo." What are you doing" I snap. As we leave the room, Ryan quietly shuts the door behind him." We have to find out who the turtle was, and where he is now." Ryan left to go eat, leaving me in front of The Blue door. Why didn't they tell us about him. Suddenly I remembered. If that room really was that blue masked turtle's room, and the journal belonged to him. That means his name is Leonardo.

I really didn't know what Master Splinter would do or say, so he isn't in this story. And if you wonder how he died, don't ask, he just died.

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