The Chronicles of Bael Part 29

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Clayday, Death Week, Storm Season, 1600

I have spent the last two weeks in Fazzur's camp, teaching him Sartarite and sparring with him as is our habit. I had been eager to begin my journey to Jonstown immediately, but had quickly realised that I possessed no silver with which to travel. Such worldly concerns had never before been of concern for me, but in my Master's absence much had changed. Fazzur had agreed to pay me instead of the Temple for my teachings, and so I agreed to stay for a few more weeks.

The morning after I took the Chaos Goo Fazzur remarked that he had observed a change in me. Indeed, though I showed no physical change from my 'Chaos Gift' my whole bearing, indeed my aura is different. Stronger, radiant. Even I could perceive that my aura had grown. Fazzur appeared to believe that the change in me was due to the impact of the loss of my Master, that I had in some way become a man. My new-found power had also made it much harder for Fazzur to defeat me on the sparing field as my perception of each movement has become more acute, my senses more attuned and my aim surer.

Even Fazzur's men showed me greater respect, a welcome circumstance. At least one or two of Fazzur's men have always been uncomfortable to have a Lightbringer in their camp. Fazzur's cousin Tovtarim Orindori had always refuses to acknowledge me, but now he cannot take his eyes from me for the aura of my gift seems to radiate like a beacon to some.

I have sent no word or explanation for my absence to the Temple. Though I did have one of Fazzur's soldiers take a gift to Tallbar the Lascivious. I hoped for his sake that the ingredient I provided would finally allow him to brew a potion that would allow him to satisfy his desires. I am sure that the appearance of a Lunar soldier at the gates of his Temple bearing my gift would be sufficient message for Salmar Bat.

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