Chapter 8: Us

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Emma's POV

     I drove to my dad's house after Ethan left.
This was probably the best Christmas I had in a while.

     I wish Ethan was here. Yes, I know. That's a selfish thing to say since this is a family day. But I miss him.

     I stayed at my dad's for the morning and then went to my mom's after brunch. I was given clothes mostly and coffee grounds.

     The wheels of my car crushed the gravel as I pulled into my parking lot. I started looking at new apartments so what happened with Daniella didn't happen again.

     Plus, my apartment is just getting depressing at this point.

     I twisted my key in the door. I flopped onto my bed and immediately fell asleep.

     My phone buzzed. 3 am.

    Today 3:07 am

     Ethan: wanna come to Gray and I's New Year's Party? James is going. It's the perfect time to tell them about us.

     My eyes are basically closed as I start to type.

     Me: yeah, but are u ready to tell them?

     He starts to type and then stops. I put my phone done and close my eyes again.

     Buzz. Ugh.

     Ethan: who wouldn't why people to know they were with you?!

     I smile and put down my phone for the final time.

    Monday 12/31/18

    I woke up at 10 am. I ravaged through my closet. There was shirts and dresses and pants scattered everywhere.

     Eventually, I picked a gold, sequined crop top, black leather pants with rips and my Doc Martin's.

     I was so excited to see him. I know. I sound like a clingy ass girlfriend.

     My car started and I locked my door behind me. The whole car ride I was thinking about how we were going to tell Grayson and James.

"Hey Gray and James, Ethan and I have secretly been dating for the past week!"

"HI, did you know that me and Ethan made out a couple days ago?"

All bad, and could come to a shoe to the face.

Pulling into the twin's driveway, something pops under my car. Damn.

     I get out of my car to see my tire with a huge nail sticking out. What were they doing with nails?

I let out a sigh and strut to the twin's door, trying to seem confident.

Bursting into the twin's house, I immediately notice that there is literally thirty people here.

The twin's mom, dad (author's note: rest in peace :( <3 ), sister, and other friends I either know or haven't met at all.

I find Ethan at his couch watching the news. It was literally 10:39 am and he's watched the news?

I sat next to him and he swung his arm around my shoulders. There was other youtubers there with their cameras so I eyed him. He pouted and lifted his arm away from behind me.

We spent the next few hours joking and eating. I got to know his parents (who still don't know about us). And I made some new friends. I needed that.

Soon, it was 11:58 pm.

Everyone was gathered in the living room, staring at the TV.

11:59 pm.

Everyone screamed. "THIRTY, TWENTY NINE, TWENTY EIGHT," and so on.

     The final five second came.







     All of a sudden, Ethan grabs me around my waist, dips me and places a soft kiss on my lips. I close my eyes and enjoy the moment.

     We push away and I hug him.

     As I let go of him about two minutes later, I looked around. Everyone was staring. Wide eyes glared at both of us.

     But the attention went from us, to the loud door that opened. Someone runs through.

     "Hey Bitches!"

     author's note: thank you guys SO MUCH for 200 extra views this past week! we went from 400 views to 645 views! ahh love you guys 💘💘💘


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