Chapter 17: Trust

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Ethan's POV

      I hate this. I hate being here and having to watch her cry and feel helpless as she does so.

     I shouldn't have came, if I wasn't here she wouldn't be crying in my arms right now.

"D-do you want some food?" Emma asks, trying to change the subject.

"Sure babe, I'll make it, just rest for now, okay?" I said.

She slowly nodded and kissed me as I headed to her kitchen. I still can't believe that she even felt like this. "Emma, you know I love you right," I said turning around staring at her straight in her blue eyes.

       She smiled and came over to me. Again, she nodded and leaned her head on my chest.

       "I love you too Ethan."

       I held her for a few moments until I continued making her food, with her leaning against me. I tried making the food perfect because maybe that will make her feel better, because I felt like I wasn't helping much.

     Emma's eyes were still wet from the tears and she was obviously tired. She leaned into me a little more, I gave her more support with my arm. She needs rest.

      After Emma ate, she dragged me back onto the couch to watch Netflix. She's been so stressed lately. She has a big interview tomorrow and has been editing non stop everyday. I swing my arm around her and look back.

     She put up the Polaroids of us from a few weeks prior. I smiled as I looked at her in these photos. She was so happy.

      I wish I could do something to make it all stop just for a few days. "So Ethan," Emma said, breaking my train of thought. "Do you actually want to do this?" She stuttered a little. She was nervous to ask.

      I stared at her for a moments, thinking about what I should say. "Do you?" I said softly to her, taking her in my arms again.

    Emma stopped. She looked like she was thinking.

       A few minutes passed. Then she shook her head.  "Not yet."

      "Whenever you're ready baby," I said to her, kissing her forehead. However, I was having second thoughts.

     Emma's POV

     I don't deserve Ethan. He's so nice to me, like I'm some sort of princess. He's always respectful. He cares for me.

     I feel like such a coward. Ethan cares so much and I'm just the sad girl crying in his arms.

     I lean into him more, yawning in the process. "Are you tired?" he whispers into my ear.

     "Mhm," I respond in a quiet voice. I haven't made any time for myself lately. I just need to get away.

     I tried keeping my tired eyes open as he stroked my hair and I slowly fell asleep.

3 hours later

My eyes flickered open. I sat up and winced, as I was sore from being sick I guess. I held my stomach as I stood up fully, looking around my house.

      But I'm surprised when I don't see Ethan, anywhere. Not the kitchen, not in the chair next to me, no where. He probably left. I looked outside. It was still bright out.

      He wasn't supposed to leave until dark.

      I shrugged and plopped back down onto the orange couch that was actually really comfortable. I began to close my eyes. But then I heard talking. Talking upstairs.

     I sat back up and held my stomach again.

      I slowly crept up the stairs and saw Ethan, sitting on my bed, with a rolling camera in front of him.

      "I hate to have been keeping this from all of you," he said "But Emma and I-"

     Ethan stopped as he saw me in the mirror above my bed.

      " What's going on E?" I said in the most aggressive voice I could, since I had a sore throat and all.

      "E-Emma, I can explain."

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