Chapter 9: Three Words

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Ethan's POV

     Daniella. I still held Emma when she burst in the door. It was obvious. Daniella was drunk. And high.

"Hey Bitches!" she slurred.

Emma stood there in my arms wide eyed. "Oh no," Emma said as she face palms.

I rolled my eyes. "What are you doing here?" I heard Grayson say.

     "I-I was inviittted" Daniella says or tries to say.

     "Daniella, I'm going to ask you to leave," I said strictly. She crossed her arms.

     "And what if I don't? Huh? Gonna protect your little bitch? She obviously can't protect herself," Daniella says. At this point, I was fuming.

"You know what Daniella?" Emma comes out from behind me. She plants herself right in front of Daniella and smacks her across the face.

"This little bitch can take care of herself," Emma says. Daniella stands there holding her face like she had a surgery on it.

"Leave," I said, putting my hand on Emma's back. She looks at me and smirks.

"Okay, okay," Daniella says bitterly. "But hope you'll never see me again, or trust me. You're gonna be in some trouble."

Daniella walks away, her heels clacking on the wood floor. Emma rolls her eyes.

"I'm so proud of you," I say, grasping her cheek in my hand.

"Why? All I did was defend myself," she says smirking.

"That's exactly why I'm proud of you. You stood up for yourself. You don't usually do that you know?"

Emma smiles and goes on her toes to kiss me. Our lips meet and all the attention is on us again.

James gestures us to the side and the music turns on.

"Oh. My. God!" James squeals. "I knew this would happen. I'm so sister happy!"

"James, can you tell all the other youtubers here to go through their footage and make sure there's not anything with me and Emma?" I say. "We don't want the fans to know yet."

"No sister problem," James says.

He climbs up on the dining room table. "Hey, all people with cameras!" All eyes go to James. "All footage of Emma and Ethan must be deleted. Have some respect and do it, before I throw my shoe at you."

James gets down from the dining room table and most of the people go through their footage. Thank god.

      Emma's POV

     Everyone stayed until about two in the morning. I realize that my car wheel has no air.

     "E?" I say.

     "Yeah babe?"

     "Can I stay here? For the night? My car wheel blew out."

     "Of course," he says smiling.

     I smile. I take his hand and walk into the living room to watch the television for ten more minutes. I rest my head on his chest and he rests his on my head.

We fall asleep like this, at least I do.

I woke up to Ethan carrying me to his bedroom. "E?" I mumble.

"Shh it's okay, you need a more comfortable place to sleep baby," he says.

I look at the nearby clock. 5:17 am.

Ethan lays me on his bed, kisses me on my forehead and goes to leave. "Ethan, you can sleep here," I say.

"Okay," he says softly. Ethan lays down next to me and puts his arm behind me. He pulls me into him and I fall asleep in his arms.

     I feel him kiss my forehead in the morning. "Morning beautiful," he says, lifting my chain with his thumb.

My eyes, barely open from just waking up, looked up at him and smiled.

Ethan and I go for breakfast after I get changed out of Ethan's shorts he let me borrow.

     He bought me coffee and we went on our way. "What do you want to do today?"

     "It's kind of cold but I heard there's a carnival in town," I suggested.

     Ethan nodded and took my hand as we walked to the car.

      We spent eight hours at the carnival. Ethan won me a five foot dinosaur stuffed animal. I know. It's the most basic date ever.

      Soon, it was 8:09 pm and the sun was setting. Ethan drove me home. We passed the purple flower field where we first kissed.

     Ethan took my hand. I looked at him. God he was adorable.

Ethan's jeep pulled up to the parking lot of my apartment complex. He circled around the front of the car and opened the door for me.

He walked me to my door, hand in hand.

I started to turn my key into the door, but Ethan twirled me around and kissed me before he left. I smiled. It was a smile that I haven't worn in a long time.

My eyes started to tear up. "Hey, hey. What's wrong?" Ethan says cupping my cheek.

"I don't deserve you," I said. "You're too perfect for me. You're sweet, funny, caring as hell, handsome. And I'm just... me."

"Emma, what are you talking about," Ethan said. "You're perfect. You're so funny, beautiful, nice. I'm starting to think I don't deserve you."

"Awe E," I said tears slipping from my eyes.

"Emma, I love you," Ethan said.

     He said it. Oh my god. I started to cry even more.

     "Ethan," I said. "I love you too."


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