Chapter 12: Messages

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author's note: hey guys, so i know the past few chapters were short but i'll continue to make my usual at least 1000 words per chapter! also thank you for 2K!

Ethan's POV

     "Shit," I hear Emma mumble to herself. She stares near the coffee machines. I soon realize what she's glaring at. Daniella.

     I grab her wrist and start to walk away with her, but she resists. "No, it's fine. I have to handle this," she insists confidently.

     "Okay," I say worriedly, softly letting go of her wrist. Emma struts over to the coffee machine, I follow. The same one Daniella was making her usual pure black coffee.

     Emma pressed the button, completely ignoring Daniella, who's mouth was dropped and her eyes staring into Emma's side.

     Emma side eyes her. "Yes?" I hear her question.

     Daniella shakes her head. "Nothing. Just wondering why your style got worse since the last time I saw you."

     "Excuse me, I'm not a mirror," Emma states.  Daniella was fuming. Her face was red.

     Suddenly, Daniella picks up her coffee. "Oops," she says, pretending to "accidentally" spill some of her coffee on Emma.

     But Emma just stood there. "I don't have the energy to pretend to like you today," she says, getting napkins and patting her crop top with it.

     "Oh and one more thing," Emma says, glaring right into Daniella's eyes. Emma swipes her hand, hitting Daniella's coffee, leaving it on the floor, leaking everywhere.

     We walk away, I try not to hug her. She's so much more confident in herself. I'm proud of her.

I lead her into the VIP house and immediately take her by the waist. I lean down and kiss her.

Emma pulls away and smiles, playing with my hair. She kisses me on the cheek and heads to the living room.

     I follow her around the house like a dog until she's fully dressed and ready to leave.

     Emma's POV

     My phone rang. I slipped it out of my pocket. It was James. "Hello?" I asked.

"Emma, have you been in recent contact with Daniella recently?"

"I mean," I hesitate. "I did see her this morning. And she spilled coffee on me."

"Well, she messaged me. Saying how you were a "changed" person or stupid shit like that," James said. "Bryant got one too and so did a few others."

He stopped, not saying anything for a few minutes. "Along with a picture of you and Ethan heading into your VIP house together. Holding hands."

I covered my mouth. Crap. "Thank you for telling me James." My voice cracked. Was I going to cry?

"It's no problem Emma. Love you," James said, instantly hanging up after.

I collapsed into Ethan. "What's wrong," he said, looking down at me with worried eyes.

"What's going on E?" I heard Grayson say as he came down the stairs. He held up his phone, message displayed on the screen.

Ethan snatched it out of his hands. "Emma, oh my god," he said. His voice got quieter on each word he said.

My phone dinged. Hesitant to look, I pulled it out of my pocket.

New Message

I clicked on it nervously, it brought me to the message screen and i read the message.

Daniella: see what happens when we cross paths? i warned you. do it again and this picture goes live.

     I place my hand over my mouth. I start to hyperventilate. I'm going to have a panic attack.

     Ethan wraps his arms around me, an attempt to calm me down. He shushes me softly. "It's okay," he repeats. "It's okay."

     Ethan strokes my hair. I felt so calm and protected around him. I speak through the tears building up in my eyes. "I love you Ethan," I state, my voice cracking a bit.

     "I love you too," Ethan says pulling me closer.

"Want me to make you some food?" he chuckles.

"E, you can't cook," I laugh.

"Sure I can, that's what google's for!" Ethan pulls me into the kitchen.

He makes me a sandwich to make me feel better. And it definitely does.

"Wanna go out to the festival now?" Ethan asked, taking a ginormous bite of his sandwich.

"Gimme five," I said, standing up and heading to the bathroom. Ethan waits for me downstairs.

We head out, I just want this weekend to be over. I've gone through enough drama.

It's late when we get back 2 am. We hung out with Bryant and his friends. We planned to meet James but we were too tired.

I took off all my makeup, showered and dove into the soft covers of the bed. I laid on my stomach, too tired to change position.

I felt Ethan's body collapse next to me. His arm swung around me, shifting my small body closer to him. This was the best way to fall asleep.

The next morning was the last day at Coachella and to be honest, I was happy. Hopefully, Daniella would piss off and leave us the hell alone for once.

I forced myself to get out of bed. I smell... pancakes? I notice Ethan has disappeared from the bedroom.

I walk downstairs in my pajamas, seeing Ethan whipping up pancake batter. "Ethan?" I groan.

"Oh hi, um," he stammers. "This was supposed to be a surprise, kinda, I guess." He scratches the back of his neck.

He's so cute when he's nervous. "You know how to cook pancakes?"

"That's what google is for baby," Ethan chuckles, putting all his focus back into the pancakes. I head into the living room, staring out the tall window.

     James started face timing me, but I didn't answer. I liked the peaceful view outside and didn't want to be interrupted.

     "They're done!" Ethan exclaimed. I laughed and headed into the kitchen, where Ethan lightly places the pancakes on the table.

     Turns out, they were really good. He seemed worried that I wouldn't like them or spit them out.

     We ate all of them, then went out to the festival.

     We got back around 9 pm, the earliest we've ever been back. I started stuffing my bag with all the valuables I scattered around the house.

     The next morning, Ethan and I sat in the backseat of Grayson's car and fell asleep. Grayson started driving when suddenly the vehicle shook.

     "What the hell?" I heard Grayson say aggressively. I lifted my head from Ethan's shoulder. We hit someone. A black mercedes. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

     I ducked down and tapped Ethan to do the same. "What's going on?" Ethan asked.

     "We just hit Daniella's car."

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