Chapter 16: Tell Them

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     Emma's POV

     I arrived home after a long day of fun, to see Ethan sitting on my couch, scoffing down a bag of chips on the couch.

     We were both sick, so I went up to him and place my lips on his. I didn't care anymore.

     I pulled away. "Hey," I said. "I missed you like crazy."

     "Me too Em, me too," Ethan said softly pulling me into him again. 

"So how was your day with your friends?" Ethan said, followed by a rough cough.

I sat down and rubbed he back. "It was fun. I went in a helicopter."

"Wait, seriously?" Ethan asked.

I nodded. "And I was sitting on your couch for 5 hours shoving food down my throat?"

"Yup," I said pushing him playfully.

"I missed you so much," he said randomly, I can tell he was tired so I laid my head on his chest and told him to go to sleep.

He drifted off but I however, was wide awake.

Thoughts filled my head. Now that I'm eighteen, that means... that they can know. THE FANS can know. Maybe Ethan has thought about telling them. Probably not.

I'm not sure if I even want to tell them. My self esteem doesn't need to be lower right now. I might get hate from this, but then again maybe not.

I tried following asleep, but I couldn't. The continuous ideas raced through my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about it .

I felt Ethan shift from under me, so I got up and readjusted so both of us would be more comfortable. Two hours had passed already. I decided to wake him.

I planted a kiss on his soft lips and whispered "Wake up baby."

Ethan's eyes flickered open. "Hey my love," he said quietly. God I loved him.

I kissed him again and he pulled me closer. Every kiss just made me fall in love with him even more.

     "So Em," he said pulling away again. I pouted but let him continue.

     "So now that your eighteen..." he hesitated. "I think we should let... THEM, know."

     I knew exactly what he meant as soon as he said it. "Ethan..." I said shifting closer to him. "A-are you sure?"

     "I think so," he said. He seemed worried and that worried me more.

     "We don't have to go through if you don't want to you know."

     "I know," Ethan said gently. "But they deserve to know."

     I nodded. Our fans do deserve to know. I was starting to question this though. And my mental wellbeing...

     "B-but Ethan..." I said. "I already get enough hate and this might just add on to the load."

     "Wait wait wait back up," Ethan said. "Emma we've already been through this-"

     "Ethan!" I cut him off. I had a tear streaming down my face now. "I'm never gonna be good enough for them. They expect you to date some beautiful, funny, smart model." He didn't say anything so I continued. "Am I that? NO, and I never will be."

       Ethan stood up and kneeling down in front of me. "Hey, hey," he said lifting my chin to face him. "Emma, you are so much better then that. You are the most gorgeous person I know. You make me laugh and smile everyday. And you are so smart, smarter than me even."

     I looked down again and started to cry harder. Why did he like me so much. Why did he like THIS so much.

     "Emma," he said. I didn't look at him. "Look at me."

     I shifted my eyes toward him until my eyes meet his. "I love you, so much. And nothing is gonna change that. No matter the distance or our time spent apart."

At that moment, I knew that this man, right in front of me, was the one for me.

author's note !

hey guys ! sorry for the HUGE delay, i'll update more regularly now! love you all and thank you for 13k !

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