Chapter 19: Final

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       7 months later
Emma's POV

       Olivia called me from upstairs. "EMMA, LET'S GO."

      "It's literally four," I grumbled, laying in my bed. "We don't have to be there until six."

"We have to be early!"

"And look like idiots? No thanks." I rolled over on my stomach and groaned.

"I'll wait for 30 minutes and you better be up." I could hear her stomp angrily into the kitchen.

I closed my eyes and dreamed for a few minutes.

I then imagined a familiar face. One I haven't seen in months. Ethan. Or the former love of my life. We stopped talking after everything. I felt myself whispering his name. Longing to say it again and again until it felt like he was still there.

I missed him. I missed his embrace. How he always made me feel warm and comfortable wherever we were.

He obviously moved on. I've seen him with new girls on his instagram every month.

My thoughts were interrupted as Olivia called my name. "EMMA, GET YOUR LAZY ASS DOWN HERE."

I looked at the clock. 5:49. Damn, I did sleep for long. I sprang off my bed and got changed into my shimmering top and jeans as fast as I could.

"I'm coming!" I yelled, sprinting and almost tripping over every stair. Olivia rolled her eyes at me and speed walked out the door.

Her car was freezing. I turned on the heat as fast as I could.

And surprisingly, all I could think of was Ethan. Kissing him when the ball dropped. I smiled thinking about the moment that we didn't care if anyone knew our love and he just kissed me.

"What are you smiling about?" Olivia asked, smirking as well.

"Just thinking of the amazing food Alex probably cooked," I lied. I turned on my phone, silently hoping for a text from Ethan. Just a few instagram notifications. My smile disappeared and I leaned my head against the cold window. I closed my eyes again, wanting to see his face again.

Just blackness. Nothing but the darkness filled my eyes and then I knew the dream was over.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hey, sleep head. We're here." I immediately got out. Of course we were probably early. I checked my phone. 6:15.

       I knocked on the door, Olivia running up next to me. "Hey girls," Alex said as he opened the door with a sly smile all over his face.

       I gave him a high five, while Olivia went in for the hug. I think she has a thing for him to be honest.

       "I'm starving, where's the food?" I said. Alex chuckled.

       "In the kitchen, to the right." I brushed past him and saw Olivia pat his shoulder as she followed me into the kitchen.

       Music blasted in my ears. I guess we weren't early. There was at least 50 people here. I felt Olivia take my hand and drag me into the living room.

        I looked at her funny. "Oh, don't be so shy, dance with me." She spun around and I laughed. This was gonna be a fun night. And I refuse to let a stupid boy ruin it.

       3 hours later, 9:28

     I plopped down on the couch. I'm so tired. "Olivia," I said, breathing heavily. "Go get me some chips. I'm so hungry."

      "Go get them yourself," she said, chuckling as I got up and glared at her.

       I made my way to the marble counter where I spotted the bags and plates of snacks. I took a chip and stood in the corner, trying not to cause any attention.

I heard the front door open. More guests? The group had grown from 50 to 200 people. I had to go to the bathroom. This was too much.

I locked the door behind me. I looked at myself in the mirror and washed my face. It's so overwhelming out there. I sat on the toilet and placed my head in my hands. I had to calm myself down.

Once I was ready, I came out of the bathroom and slowly walked back to the couch.

I walked with my head down and looked up to see Olivia, with Grayson Dolan.

No. That couldn't mean... I had to get out of here. I turned around to go back to the bathroom, but what met with the eyes of Ethan Dolan. He looked just as surprised as I was.

Shit. I turned back around and started to walk towards the patio. No one was out there so I could hide  away from the face in my dream.

I slide the door open and slammed it behind me. I sat by the fire that Alex had set up earlier.

Why did this have to happen to me? This is the worst New Years I've ever had. I should've just stayed home and had a nice night to myself without this.

And then, I heard the patio door slide open.

Ethan's POV

I can't believe it's her. Out of all the places we could've met. I started to walk towards her but she bolted for the patio.

"Wait, Emma!" She didn't hear me. I slowly walked to the patio door. Should I open it? I need to talk to her.

God, I know I can't admit it but I miss her so much. I need to kiss her one more time. One last time, before she pushes me away again.

Fuck it. I carefully slide open the door. I saw her look up at me. Those blue eyes staring at me again.

I walked over to her. "Hey."

She looked down again and put her hands in her lap. "Hey."

I sat down next to her and she immediately scooted away. That hurt a little.

"How've you been?" I said, quietly.

"Same as always," she said. I looked at her and she looked at me.

"What about you?" she asked, now looking me in the eye. "What have you been doing, hm?"

And then I said the worst and best thing I could've said in that moment. "Just missing you."

We both went silent. I looked down in my lap. I could sense that she was still staring at me.

Suddenly, she came closer to me and took my hand. "I missed you too E," Emma said. She put her head on my shoulder.

       I couldn't take it anymore. I turned and cupped her face in my hands. I leaned in and kissed her. I forgot how good this feels. She leaned back and took both of my hands.

       She leaned her head into my chest and I stroked her hair. "Emma, I'm so sorry-"

       "Shut up E," she said. "I forgive you. No more apologies." And we just sat there until 11:57, when we had to go inside.

       And when the clock struck 12, I kissed her again, and then I knew, that she was the love of my life.

       And we would never be apart, ever again.

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