Chapter 42: Murder She Wrote

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"Pick up the goddamned phone!" Fiona hisses angrily through her teeth as she walks through the lobby of her son's hotel with Henry, ready to put him in the family limo to be taken to school. She's so focused on getting through to one of the supervisors at the hospital that she doesn't notice when she bumps into someone.

Everything in her arms, including the important paperwork she required to get Emma released from the mental hospital and back to Boston falls to the carpeted floor. Her phone also goes flying. In addition, one of her heels breaks, causing her to grab onto a nearby doorframe to steady herself.

Sighing in great annoyance, she begins leaning down to pick up her things and notices the light-coloured hair also sloping down to pick up the belongings. She then recognizes the distinct blue eyes and chiselled features.

"I'm so sorry about that Madame Mayor," David Nolan says, helping gather the scattered paperwork. "I wasn't watching where I was going."

"You certainly should be sorry," she snaps in anger. The last thing she needed was to run into Snow White's true love this morning. The humble shepherd turned prince that was one of bravest men that ever walked the Earth; the man whom the precious Snow White willingly gave up half her heart so she would not be separated from him. The sheer sense of devotion and passion between the two royals was revolting and the fairy was glad that she'd engineered the curse so the couple would be separated for eternity and never see either of their precious children again. Without the chance of true love, the curse would never be broken, plus the fact that Emma Swan never knowing who her parents were would make it easy for the former Saviour to leave the city behind and believe that she truly was alone in this world. Of course, there was still the problem of Henry, but he had been acting much more obedient lately, which meant either the young teenager had given up or was planning something new. For this reason, Fiona had to watch her back just in case the latter was true.

David bites his lip, holding back a rude and derisive comment he wanted to return to this wicked woman. It was something he was used to doing, especially from living with Kathryn for so long, he'd learned to hold his tongue and just take the abuse, knowing that saying anything would get him in trouble. This was especially true with Fiona Blackwell, the mother of his boss and he knew he couldn't afford to lose his job or he'd face the wrath of his wife, who would most certainly leave him after that. Plus, with the kind of power Fiona had as the Mayor, he could be physically removed from the city with the snap of her fingers.

Instead, he leans down to pick up all the papers from the carpet. It's then that he notices the name Emma Swan on the top of the page... That was a strange name... it was almost if he'd heard it before. He then looks through the rotating doors at Fiona's adopted son Henry... wasn't Emma Swan his birth mother? For the few times that he'd spoken to the young boy, he had mentioned this name before and how much he missed her while she was in the hospital. He knew that Mayor Blackwell was in charge of the woman's affairs, probably by the insistence of her own son, and of course, the story of Henry eating the poisoned apple turnover and his birth mother's subsequent break-down was well-known by the locals of the city. But this name seemed even more familiar to him, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

He quickly scans over the document and realizes that it's a release form from the mental hospital.

"I'm glad to see Henry's mother is feeling better," he says politely, putting the papers in a relatively neat pile in his hands before handing it to the woman.

"I'm sorry?" she hisses.

"The release papers there, I'm glad Miss Swan has received the care she needs."

"Oh yes," Fiona says in forced positivity, not entirely willing to continue this conversation much longer. She had to try calling the main hospital again to check in on Jane Doe.

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