Chapter 43: A Promise

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"Morning Henry," Crystal says, walking into the kitchen. She stretches out in her t-shirt and pyjama bottoms. Henry has pulled out a box of cereal and is eating quietly, reading a random book he'd uncovered in the library. "How'd you sleep?"

"Better than before," Henry admits, scooping some cereal into his mouth. "Now that I don't have the embodiment of all darkness and evil breathing down my neck or having to get up to go to the most depressing school in existence. I swear that the clone idea was the best part of the plan so far."

"Just so we're clear, that clone is temporary. Once the curse is over, his existence will vanish. The sooner, the better because we don't want it going Blade Runner on us either. You can't use him to go to school. Both Regina and Emma would murder me if they found out you were using Henry II to skip school. Understood?"

She sounded more like a mother that she surprised herself a bit. Even though they considered themselves siblings to one another, they were more equals than one being the leader and so on. However, it seemed that being older meant that once and a while, she would have to take up the role of responsible guardian/older sibling, just until their proper family structure could be restored.

Internally, Henry did curse under his breath, but he knew that this would be the reality and he'd already made his peace with it. There was so much going on that the thought had only crossed his mind once. He knew that Emma and Regina would murder both him and Crystal if this playing "hooky" plan ever came to fruition. He just shrugs and goes back to eating his breakfast.

"Thanks for stocking the fridge last night, by the way," he adds.

"Better to bunker down now because who knows how long this curse will last," she nods, grabbing some juice out of the fridge and reaching into the cupboards, only to pull out a filthy and dusty glass.

She frowns and then uses her magic to make all the utensils and cooking materials clean and ready to use.

"I'd cut back on the magic though," Henry says. "You know how fragile Belle is right now, I'd hate to see what would happen if she caught a glimpse of your powers."

The daughter of the Dark One couldn't argue there. Belle truly was in a delicate state and to see real magic on display, might put the beauty out of commission and make their mission to break the curse more dire and important, plus adding a time crunch to their already complex situation. Hopefully, if something does happen to Belle or any of them, it could all be reset by the breaking of the curse.

"Speaking of her, where is my step-mother?"

"In the library," Henry explains.

"Why am I not surprised?" Crystal smirks, pouring herself some juice. "I'm glad to see the Black Fairy couldn't psychologically traumatize or torture that part of her personality away."

"She's reading my Once Upon a Time book," Henry explains. "Hopefully, that will bring her up to speed on everything."

"Could even jog some memories," she agrees.

The two know that they could hope for this, but it was more likely that either a kiss from Rumple or Gideon or the elimination of the curse entirely could truly bring her memories back. While Crystal's shockwaves seemed to ignite something, it was up to the rest of them to fan the inferno.

"Speaking of which, do you think we should bring her to see Grandpa and Uncle Gideon?"

"I... guess, as long as we can avoid Grandma Fairy."

"She goes by Fiona in this world, Fiona Blackwell."

"Blackwell, very suitable for the colour of her soul."

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