Chapter 1

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Zoey POV

"Gwen come on pleassssse" ? I asked her giving her puppy eyes. Gwen and I are best friends. She has blue and black hair. She has pale skin, a perfect smile and she's nice.

I'm trying to convince Gwen to go with me and have some fun tonight. We've been working a lot so I wanna spend time with her.

She let out a sigh"Look Zoey I am really tired.I wanna rest and relax."She said as we waited for a green walk man to tell us to cross.

"But you can rest tomorrow pleasssse!"

She let out another sign.

"Fine but I'm staying tomorrow"I gave her a big hug.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I said.

We arrived at our apartment building. Gwen and I share an apartment. We met at NYU. I moved from my small town to New York. When I got my acceptance letter from NYU, joy fulfilled me. I couldn't wait to move! I felt like such outcast from where I'm from. I used to get dirty looks all the time just because of my hair. When I moved here, I felt normal. I felt like home.

Gwen showed me around the city. All the delicious restaurants had to offer, some strores and all the hot spots. We became really close, so she offered me to stay at her apartment with her, rather than paying a room and board at NYU. This helped me out a lot financially.

"Wanna go to the Central Park"I asked Gwen.

"Sure but let me change"

We both change of clothes.


Gwen POV

Zoey and I stared walking in the Central Park. It was a beautiful and warm day. Zoey is a really nice girl. She has red hair and she has loving smile. She always wears red lipstick to match her red hair.

Zoey and I we're discussing if we should go to the movies next week with our friend Brigette, before she moves to California.

We arrived at the Columbus Circle. Whenever the weather is as beautiful as this, you have to brace yourself and acknowledge the fact that Central Park is going to be packed. Zoey and I started to head to the lake.


Mike POV

"DUDE ARE YOU CRAZY?"I yelled at my best friend Trent as he was debating whether or not he should go down this giant hill. Trent is a really brave guy and really nice. He has black hair and a nice smile. He is a good guitar player, singer and good skateboarder.

"I'm not a wimp, but I know you can do it, just be brave."Trent said while doing a kick flip on his skateboard.

"Count of 3"I asked.





Zoey POV

"That's a great idea!"I said agreeing with Gwen's idea to trow a party to Brigette.

"HEADS UP"I heard a mal scream. I turn around and saw a tall guy with tan skin, coming directly to Gwen and me.

Before I say a word or even move. The boy winds up crashing right into the lake. I gasped in shock.

"Are you okay"I asked him walking into the lake giving him a hand to help him get out of the lake.

"Watch out"I heard another male scream. I saw a guy with black hair and with a hand on his shirt, skating down the same way the other guy did, but more to the left. He encountered a rock in his path sent him flying.Gwen dogged him. He fell into the lake.

"Wow that was close"Gwen said with relief sigh.

"Trent I think I sprained my arm and my ankle"said the tall tan guy to Trent.

"Thanks for helping me, I'm Mike and this is Trent."said the tall, tan guy. I got a better view of him. He has an adorable gap in his teeth. He's eyes are light brown, they match perfectly his tan completion.

"I'm Zoey and this is Gwen"I told Mike.

"Bro I can pick you up and carry you to the doctors, but we have to leave the skateboards behind."Trent said with a sad look.

"Gwen and I can carry them"I said. I know that Mike almost killed me and Trent almost killed Gwen but it was just an accident. I also want to know about Mike. I just hope Gwen is not mad at them.

"Yeah we can carry them if you want"Gwen said with a smile on her face.

"Thanks and also we're sorry"Trent said while picking up Mike.

We all started to walk to the hospital. While we were walking we started to know each other. Trent plays guitar and he can sing. He's also teaching Mike to play guitar while signing. Mike taught Trent how to skate. In a few minutes, we arrived at the hospital. Mike was assigned in a room in no time. We were sitting in the room in awkwardly in silence while waiting for the nurse to come and I can tell that Mike is getting annoyed, he looked like he wanted to leave.

"DANG NABBIT WHERE IS THE NURSE"Mike yelled in a old voice. I started to laugh. It was so funny. Mike is trying to make us laugh with a act of an old man.

Trent open his eyes in shock.He murmured something under his breath, I couldn't make out the words.

"Alright girls, thanks for the help, I 'm going to leave cause my Mike needs some rest" Trent said while scratching the back of his neck.

"Bye Mike"I said while leaving the room with Gwen. I'm to check on him tomorrow.


Author note this is my firt story. This similar to Growing up. Growing up is a story that a really like, it is a incomplete story. So I felt bad. So I wanna write a similar story.

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