Chapter 3

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Zoey POV

The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was brew a cup of coffee. I was up all night turning and tossing, I was thinking about Mike.What if he's discharged? What is I never see him again?

I was trying to figure out what to wear. I mean if I was going to see anyone at the hospital, I would just wear sweats. But this is Mike.

I put some nice cloths, I put my hair in a pony tail and applied some make up. I put some red lipstick.

Gwen wasn't here so she probably went to her morning jog.

I headed out the door and walk straight to the hospital. Every step made me more nervous. I keep saying to myself : Please please be there. Your waisting you time if he already left. I can't give up its Mike.

In a few minutes, I arrived at the hospital. I feel my heart beat really fast as I entered.

I asked the woman for a visiting pass. She asked me for his name. I said Mike, but she needed to know his last name. I had no idea what's Mike last name, but I told her he was in room 444.

The woman told me Mike is still here. He is going to be discharged later in day. She gave me a visiting pass and I headed up to see him.

I arrived in his room and he was sleeping peacefuly. He looked so cute and adorable. I couldn't help but smile. I would've been really sad if they discharged him, because I wouldn't see him again.

I looked around is room and I see a huge bouquet of flowers next to his phone. There was a note attached to it saying"Feel better my love".

My eyes widened in shock. He has a girlfriend?

My heart broked in to a million pieces. I just wanted run to my house and cry in my pillow forever. I took a step back, but my foot somehow managed to get tangled in the phone and I dropped the phone.

Mike woke up.

"Zoey?" He said as he rubbed his eyes.

"Hey Mike!" I said as I picked up the phone and put it on desk.

"Cool you came, I was worr-I mean I didn't know you were coming back" he said giving a small chuckle.

"How are you?"I asked as I sit beside him.

"Well I'm fine, I'm going home at 5, my arm and leg should be healed in 3 more days, I have to get some rest at home"He said as he look at my eyes.

I smile at him and he smiled back. I pretty sure I was blushing. I looked away for a moment and remember about the flowers.

"Those are nice flowers you got there"I said.

"Oh yeah, hahaha lol, my mom gave them to me, she felt bad for not staying for a lot of time"He said as he tooked them and smelled them.

I started to laugh. And to thing you were going to leave.

"What!?"He said with some pollen stuck on his nose. That made me laugh even harder. I took a napkin and whipped his nose and showed him the pollen.

"Well...that was embarrassing"He said as we both laughed.

"Hey Zoey can you do me a favor?"He said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah sure, what is it?"I asked him.

"Come closer"He said while breaking the stem of one of the flowers from the bouquet.

My heart was beating really fast as I got close to him. Then he takes the flower and putted behind my ear.

"Your hair is beautiful and you look cute with the flower on your hair"He said with a cute smile.

I feel my face warm up so I know im blushing. Then we both laugh.

My phone rang. It was my boss. Way to ruined the moment.

I answered my phone. My boss told me that I needed to go and cover Jess shift since just she got fired. I hung up.

"Sorry Mike I have to go to work, but can you give me your phone number"I told him.

"Sure"He said as he took my phone and wrote his phone number. I told him I will text him after work, I hugged him goodbye and left hospital.

Gwen POV

I finished my morning jog around the cental park and I see a girl who looked just like Zoey walking out of the hospital, but it was Zoey. I think am going to have a talk with her.


Zoey POV

After work, I got to my house and I see Gwen.

"Hey Zoey where were you today"Gwen asked me. I didn't want her to know I like Mike.

"I was at work" I told her.

"And before work"Gwen asked me. I know she knows something.

"I the hospital with Mike"I told her.

" you like Mike"Gwen said with big smile on her face.

"No...maybe....I don't know.....yes" I was nervous to tell her the truth.

"YES I knew it, im so happy for you, tell me what happened at the hospital"Gwen said really happily as we both sit down on the couch.

I told her everyting that happened in the hospital.


Author note next chapters will me inspired by moi.

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