Chapter 7

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Trent POV

"Hey Mike wake up"I said to him. Mike was sleeping and I had to wake him up.

"Hey.........Trent"He said looking tired.

"Im going to work so if you want to go to the skate park to practice, you can go"I told him and he smiled since he really wants to go. Mike always go to the competitions of skate. You can win 400$ if you are first place, 300$ for second place and 100$ for third place.

Mike tried to get a job, but the people fired him because of his multiple personalities disoder. I feel so bad for him. So Mike goes to does competitions to win money and to have fun.

Last competition, Mike won second. I was happy and proud of him.

"But can you come later when your finish?"He asked me. I nodded yes.

"Well yeah Mike"I said with smile.

"Anyway, I have to go to work, but see you later bro"I said while leaving is room.

When I left Mike's room, I ate breakfast and I got ready to go to work. I left the apartment, I opened the door of my car, I got inside and I drived away.

Mike POV

OMG. I really want to skate right now, but I aslo want Zoey to watch me practice and I also want to play video games. I know she's at work, but maybe she can come later. So I texted her:

From Mike:

To Zoey:

Hey Zoey, today im going to the skate park, but can you come after work? If you r coming, I will be waiting for you at the nearest skate park.

I waited for her to text back. 5 minutes later, I got a text:

From Zoey:

To Mike:

Sure! XD

After she texted me, I ate breakfast and I wanted to play call of duty, before going to the skate park. I decided to play call of duty black ops zombies with my Xbox friends.Gunz, Killer Pro and Zombie Killer are my Xbox friends. They were all playing zombies, but solo. I invited them, so we can all play together. But I think they were recording for youtube while we were playing.

After 4 hours of playing, I prepared diner and it tooked a while. When it was ready, I ate it. Then I got ready to go to the skate park, so I took my skateboard, put my skateboard shoes on and 10 minutes later, I got there. I took my phone and it was 1:20. Zoey is gonna come in 1 hour.

I was practicing my ollies, my manuels, nose manuels and my shuvits. They were perfect. Now I was doing the harder ones, kick flips, pop shuvits, heel flips, 360 flips and many more. It was still easy for me. Since I've been doing skate tricks when I was 13 years old.

About an hour of practicing, I saw Zoey and Gwen coming towards me, but I also saw Trent walking with them. Trent brought his skateboard.

"What's up guys"I said with a big smile showing gap between my teeth because they were here with me.

Gwen waved at me."Hey Mike"Zoey said with a smile.

"Hey bro"said Trent.

"Hey Trent can I borrow your skate, I wanna try my biggest skate trick"I asked him cause I want to do a really hard trick. I only landed that trick 3 times.

"Yeah sure"he said.

He gave me his skate. I tooked it and I placed it on the floor. I walk back words, I was far from his skate, but not to far. So I placed my skateboard on the floor and place my left foot on my skate and starting pushing with my right foot. Basically what I have to do his make a back flip and lande on his skate while riding on my skate. Svetlana taught me how to do a back flip. My friends were looking at me. When I was close to his skate a made a back flip and landed on his skate. Then I made a kick flip and then a 360 flip of course to impress Zoey more. I got of Trent's board took is board with my left hand and took my board with my right hand. I walk towards them. They had a shocked face.

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