Chapter 17

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Gwen POV

We left the theater to go to my apartment, so Trent can drop me off. We went inside to see our friends, but we didn't expect to see Mike and to see him all bloody. Zoey was cleaning him up. He was seating on the couch.

""Trent slowy spoke.

"What happened to you"I said. Trent got closer to him.

"Nothing"Mike replied.

Zoey sighed"Mike got into a fight with Duncan"Right after those words left Zoey's mouth, Trent growled.

"I hate Duncan, he always wants to hurt you"Trent complained.

"Soooo!?"Mike spoke as if he didn't care and he raised his eyebrows.

"You don't care that he hurts you, he problably wants you dead"Trent said.

"I'm not a KID"Mike yelled. He look right in the eyes of Trent.

"I know you not a kid, your more like to me"Mike put his hands on his face and his elbows on his knees, he looked like he was getting annoyed.

"Well when I saw Mike and Duncan, Duncan looked worse than Mike"Zoey calmly spoked and she finished getting Mike all cleaned up.

"Um...thanks"Mike said to Zoey, not looking at her.

"Your welcome"she kissed his cheek.

"Trent, we have to go, it's getting late"Mike said as he got up from the couch.

"Yeah"He simply replied. Trent walk towards me. He placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"See you later"He said.

"Bye"Zoey and I said at the same time. They left and Zoey looked at me with a serious face.

"Are you two dating?"Zoey said as her smile grew wider.

"YES"I said yelling and jumping up and down.

"You two are really cute together"Zoey said like a fangirl.

After that, I got ready to go to bed and I slept peacfuly thinking about Trent.


Trent thinks Mike as a brother, barf and he treats him like a baby, wow. We got home, Trent went to sleep, but I stayed up watching TV, shows for adults, all night. I don't want to sleep.

Later, in the morning, Trent woke up and left to go to work. I got outside to have some fun, I brought Mike's skate, a lighter and a knife.

Mike POV

I was so tired so I slept, but when I woke up the chain was broken, but how. The mirror appeared in my face which it spooked me a little and I see Duncan and Mal fighting. I know that I'm not a friend of Duncan, I kind of hate him, but I looked at Mal punching him. It made me feel bad.

I was glad that im free from that chain, so I started to walk towards that weird tower.

After a while of walking, I started to run, but then I see someone. I started to run faster, when I got there it was Chester.

"Chester?!?!"I said in shock.

"What do you want you annoying kid"He said annoyed that im here.

"Your not dead"I spoke as my voice was shaking, but I ignored his question.

"Nooooo"He yelled.

"But-but I-I. What. Mal lied to me"I can't belive that Mal would lied to me. I think he wants me to be weak and useful. I have this feeling that I'm gonna loose something or....someone.

"And why are you selling skates"I asked him.

"Ah, it was Mal's ideas"

"Are the others dead"I asked hoping the answers is no.

"No, maybe, I don't know"Chester replied. I sighed. I tooked a skateboard and I boke the chain to free him.

Chester and I walked towards the tower and I am hoping that we can find the others.

We kept walking for a lot of time. Chester kept complaining that he is tired and he kept talking about what happen back in the old days. I was getting tierd from his talking, but im kinda glad his with me.

After a while, we could both see someone working. We ran towards that person and it was Svetlana. First thing I did is give her a big hug. 

"Vell zyou are very happy to zsee me"Svetlana said and she giggled.

"Yeah..........I am"I whispered. I grabbed a hammer and broke her chain.

"Come on we have to go towards that tower and maybe we can find the others. I have to get control soon"I said and we walked away.


I need, like fire. Burn the trees. I was walking towards the Central park. I was holding the board with my right arm.

Minutes later, I got there. I climbed on a tree and took out my lighter out of my pocket of my pants. I started to burn the leaves of that tree and I quickly climed down. I got on my board and ride away to hide, some people were screaming and I don't think no one saw me. Good!!!! 

It became a big fire, I kept laughing so hard that I was crying a bit. Firemans got there and put the fire out. I went to a skate park and practice. I stopped once I got really tired.

When I got home, I relaxed and I also got a text from the skate competition.

From The Champion Skate Tricks Tournament:

To Mike:

We are here to tell you that the skate competition, he's going to be Sathurday morning starting at 1 o'clock. We are exited to see you all perform.

I read the text several times. We are Thursday, so that means it's in two days. If I want to win I have to cheat, but how. I was watching TV and saw the new. It was the fire I made. I kept laughing in the couch, for some reasons I taught it was funny.

Hours later, Trent came in with his friend and girlfriend.

"Shit"I mumbled to myself. I really don't want to hang out with them. I only want to relax and be alone.

Duncan POV 

I woke up on the skate park on morning and I got up and I left to go home. When I got there, I looked myself in a mirror and I was covered in blood, so I cleaned myself. Later, I layed in my bed, just thinking about yesterday.

After a while, my phone beeped and I looked. It was a text from my skate competition. I'm going to win this competition and beat Mal. The money is my MINE.


Author note: I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I was feeling sick and I'm also working on other fanfictions. Please comment and vote!!!!

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