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The first quidditch match of the season was tonight, and the tension between the houses was already growing. Slytherin boys teasing their friends of the Gryffindor house, pushing and shoving around with a laugh all day. Even Rose had given Scorpius and Albus some shit, in the most loving of ways. But, they were too nervous to be laughing along with everyone else. Slytherin had a reputation of losing to Gryffindor, so of course, Albus and Scorpius' reputations were on the line. Albus was the Slytherin seeker, following in his father's footsteps. Harry was always mad he couldn't come to see his son play, but Albus was rather happy. Scorpius was a keeper, because Albus had taken the job of seeker. Draco had been a seeker, but Scorpius was never interested in that position. It had come time for the match, and the locker rooms were packed with keepers gearing up, seekers hyping themselves up and other team members getting dressed in their uniforms. 

Albus and Scorpius always got changed together, always got geared up together, always hyped each other up. "Scorpius, you've put your jersey on backwards, how do you even manage that?" Albus giggled, helping Scorpius twist it around.

"Oh, bloody hell, I'm just nervous I guess," Scorpius said, cheeks going solid red. Albus laid a hand on his shoulder, giving him a small smile before assisting Scorpius with all the gear he had to get on. 

"Nothing gets by you, Scorp."

"That damn snitch better end up in your hand, Albus."

They walked out to the pitch together, brooms in hand, smiles on their nervous faces. The crowd was a mix of booing and cheering as they walked on, the green side of things cheering very loudly, while the red side of things was booing. Brooms mounted, the teams were in the air, taking their places. Albus already had an eye on the Gryffindor seeker, someone who looked like Albus could outrace. He just had to keep his eyes peeled, and most importantly, stay focused. His eyes kept drawing back to Scorpius, who waved and smiled, and mouthed a good luck to Albus. That was all he needed to be content. 

The match had started, and Albus was flying high, looking down and searching for a gold fleck somewhere in the sky. "Slytherin keeper Scorpius Malfoy has blocked one, maybe things are looking up for Slytherin this year! But, aren't we shocked little Malfoy hasn't followed in the footsteps of father Malfoy? Stuck as the keeper because little Potter, oh of course!" The announcer called out unnecessarily. Albus flew down to Scorpius, quickly shouting, "Don't listen to him yeah? You're amazing! Keeper is where it's at for you, keep up the good work." Before Scorpius could say thank you, Albus was off again, chasing after a gold fleck he had followed way up into the sky. The Gryffindor seeker was on his tail, but Albus was ahead. The snitch turned, and Albus did too, crashing right into the opposite seeker. He felt fine for 15 seconds while chasing the snitch, but then, he began to feel dizzy, nauseous...but the snitch. He reached his hand out, it was right at the tips of his finger, but then he was falling, everything was going black...

"Albus, Albus, Albus!" Scorpius cried, after sitting at his side for 15 minutes, Albus' eyes finally fluttered open. Scorpius rested a hand on Albus' cheek. "Thank Dumbledore you're okay!"

"Scorpius, what happened, who won?" Albus asked, looking around at all the people surrounding him.

"Check your hand, Albus," Scorpius said. Albus gained feeling in his hand again, feeling the delicate, round ball in his hand; the snitch. Somehow, some way, he had caught the snitch and won the first game of the season for Slytherin! "You won the game for us."Albus hadn't remembered catching it, he remembered seeing it and then he passed out, but maybe he had got it before he went down. Albus tried to sit down, but Scorpius held him down, "No, they're going to get you to the infirmary, don't stand."

"I feel fine, Scorp, can you help me stand please?" Albus begged, his voice soft. Scorpius nodded, taking the boy from under his arm, supporting him by his waist. 

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