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The boys had fallen asleep together after their enjoyed afternoon, both of them extremely tired after their intimate affairs, but Scorpius had woken up alone, sadly. He looked for any sign of Albus, but there was not one. His bed was still neatly made so he hadn't slept in it or he made or before he got up, his shoes were missing from beside Scorpius' bed as were his clothes and Scorpius was alone, the warmth of his boyfriend now lost. This was the first time he had woken up and there were still other Slytherin boys in their beds too. Albus and Scorpius always slept in so that they could be together, but now, there was no need to. Scorpius dressed himself in his robes, throwing his bag over his shoulder. He was going to go look for Albus, and then get in a little studying. It was their break, but Scorpius never stopped. 

"Albus?" He would call out every few hallways he waked down. Still, no sign of him. Scorpius popped into the library, whispering around every bookshelf, but still no sign of Albus. He sat down at a table, cracking open a book and diving right in. He was rudely interrupted, hoping it would be Albus, but he was shocked to see the face of a young girl. 

"Scorpius?" Lydia spoke softly, sitting down across the table from him. She looked much nicer when she wasn't drunk and a complete mess. 

"Yeah, what do you want?" He bit, a little upset to not be seeing the face of his boyfriend across the table from him.

"I wanted to apologize for the way I was acting at that party, I was trying to find Albus to apologize to him but I couldn't find him. I know you guys are friends so, can you relay the message for me?" She said, with a true apologetic tone. 

"Yeah sure, but if you see him, will you let me know? Tell him to come find me, because I need to talk to him as well," Scorpius said, the worry true in his voice. While he didn't need to speak to him urgently, he was getting a little worried of his whereabouts. Lydia nodded, and then allowed herself to leave the table so Scorpius could get back to his book. He tried to focus on the words on the parchment pages, but Albus kept creeping into his mind. He slammed the book shut, stuffed it back in his bag, and began his search for Albus again. "Albus? Albus, please," Scorpius cried, earning the attention of an open-eared Lily Potter, Albus' sister. 

"Scorpius, have you been looking for Albus too?" She whispered, coming around the corner he was just about to turn.

"Yes, I have been, but I've had no luck finding him, have you seen any sign of him?" Scorpius inquired. He could tell Lily was worried too, knowing everything that had been going on with her father and her brother. 

"No, I've been looking all morning. I looked in the Astronomy Tower, the Great Hall, every one of his classes twice, Hogsmeade, and all of it again. I'm worried, Scorpius," She cried, so Scorpius opened his arms to her. She fell right in, giving him one of the tightest hugs he'd ever gotten; second best, first being Albus. 

"We'll find him, okay? He's got to be here somewhere," Scorpius promised, but he knew that Albus could get off campus. He had studied so much to figure out ways to get off of the Hogwarts campus, and his mind instantly jumped to that. He wanted to promise little Lily that they would find him and he would come back happy and healthy, but he couldn't promise that when he wasn't sure it was true. 

"I trust you Scorpius," she said, releasing him from the hug, "by the way, James and I, we are very fond of you and our brother together, don't listen to our dad, he's a little out of sorts."

"Thank you, Lily, and thank James for me too if I don't see him myself," Scorpius said. How could Harry, with the most extreme views on this topic, produce such loving and supportive kids as Lily and James? Maybe it was because they got Ginny's traits on this one, or maybe they just had more open minds than Harry. But, it warmed Scorpius' heart to know that Albus had supportive siblings behind him. Lily nodded her goodbye, and headed back around the corner. He cold hear her muffled cries for her brother, and that broke Scorpius' heart. He continued on too, crying Albus' name every three seconds of the way. 

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