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When the clock hit 3am and Scorpius was fast asleep, Albus was wide awake and concocting a plan in his mind. He was afraid to stay, he was afraid to go, he wanted Scorpius to come with him, but he couldn't do that, he couldn't ask him to come with him, away from his father. It wasn't fair. Should he leave a note to Scorpius? What would it say? Where would he hide it? Too many factors played into it, so he decided against it. Anxious tears were now streaming down his face, and he muffled his sobs in his hand. His eyes fell to Scorpius, who looked like an angel; pale skin, bright hair, sharp-cut features. He looked so peaceful, lost in a world where there was nobody against them, where they were happy. Albus placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, careful not to let his tears fall onto his skin. 

"I love you, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, I love you so much," he whispered to the sleeping boy, who turned in the slightest which sent a wave of nerves through Albus. Luckily, he wasn't awake. Albus couldn't deal with seeing how he would react...

He mumbled one last 'I love you' before taking his bag on his shoulder and walking out of the common room. He was careful making his way around the castle, making sure every step was quiet and that nobody would hear a single step that he was taking. Was this the right choice? He kept stopping in his tracks and turning around, just to go climb back into bed with Scorpius and act like none of this had happened. But, no, he wasn't safe with his dad around, he had to get out, he just had to get out of here. He was finally out of the castle. The air was bitter at this hour in the morning, the breeze sending chills over his body. The moon lit the pathway for him, and he followed it off campus. He had made it off of Hogwarts campus. Looking back, he saw himself inside the corridors, laughing with his friends, with Scorpius, with his brother and sister. He would come back to this, he would come back soon. They would be sad, they would be scared, but not for long. Albus would come back in a month's time, but he couldn't let anyone know where he was. He had decided to write a note, and sat down on the cold grass, pulled out a parchment from his bag, and wrote:

Family, friends, and my love, Scorpius,

 Thank you for your support and all of your love ever since I came out to you all and ever since Scorpius and I went public with our love. We truly appreciate it. But, I am scared for my well being if I stay here right now. I am afraid that my father will hurt me again, I am afraid that he will keep harming me beyond repair. So, I need to go. I need to get away from him to repair myself. I promise I will come back in a few weeks time, maybe a month. Now, pass this note around to each addressed person, and promise to not read what is for each other. 

Mother: You are the light of the Potter family. I thank you for sticking with me and trying to make Dad see sense and I surely hope he does. When I come back, I am sure that you will have worked your magic and made him see sense. For now, I cannot bare to be there anymore. Make sure he knows this is his fault, for I want him to feel guilty. I want him to know he made his own son run away. Thank you again, Mom. I would not be who I am without you and all of your stupendous qualities. 

James and Lily: How can I even start? James, I know we messed around but you are the best brother I could ever ask for. I know that you loved me as much as I love you, and I can't thank you enough for your support that you have been giving me. Lily, oh Lily, I love you so much. You are the best little sister an older brother could ask for you. Don't worry, Lily, I am coming back. I am coming back to give you a big hug, and James too. You both are the best, and don't fret, I am coming back for you two. 

Draco: You are like my second father. Without your arms to fall back into, where would I be? You have helped to make me and your son feel safe and assured in ourselves, and for that I can't thank you enough. Offering me your home to stay in is the most kind thing anyone has done for me, and I will be taking you up on that offer. I will come back, and I will stay with you and Scorpius until my own home is safe enough to be in. Give Scorpius the biggest hug from me. 

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